Case 1: Spontaneous Online Troll

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Adam-Good Cop Log: 5/3/2016

Today, we were alerted to a cyberbully after our own Bad Cop, Temmie, was subjected to harassment of one of her stories.

After doing a small bit of research, it was apparent the person had just made his account 40 minutes prior, about 10:00 PM. He had only posted about 5 comments, all hate. These were the victims...


We reached out to the writers of the books, two so affected that they wished to shut down their books. We reassured them that they were being trolled, and that the opinion of the troll was simply that. A troll.

A few minutes later, one of the people responded, saying that it was their brother who created the account. Though the reason for his behavior was unspecified, we have solved the problem.

We are still yet to confront him, since he hasn't been back on his account yet, but this is only a stepping stone in our long journey to making Wattpad a better and safer place.

Also, this is the account name...

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