ban dancehall?!

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I hear sey dem plan fi ban dancehall music from Barbados. Talking about its the Jamaican music causing the crime level to rise.

Dem nuh listen to rap music to blow wow! Why is it only Jamaica dem blaming.

Kmt man! I don't like the disrespect Trinidad and Barbados a show towards us.
But to tell you the truth, I don't think Jamaicans should care if Barbados want to ban our music from there country.

It's our music. If they do appreciate it, then a suh life guh!
We create dancehall for ourselves, to dance and have fun. To sing about our life experiences, the struggles and the hardships. To sing how we feel, about mixup, or about fake friends and badmind ppl.

And we always mention our God into our music no matter what. Because we know, God is helping us through and has it all worked out.

When you hear some songs..... Nothing bout God or how life is.

Just maybe dancehall can be a bit violent, but what can I say... Jamaican music is my music and it empowers me everyday. I love reggae more than dancehall thou, but I still rate dancehall.

So to all Jamaican, nuh cuss Barbados, nuh feel anyway.
Once we know we love our music, we nuh fi care bout anybody else.

Always be proud of your culture and where your from. We are creative, vybz people.

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