R.I.P J Capri

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23 years old dancehall artist, Jordan Phillips, well known by the name J Capri has past away on December 5, 2015.

What killed her?

Find out yourself.

Some say, after the car crush, she was severely injured and bacterial infection helped to cause her death.

To those who know J Capri, and are a fan of her songs.

wine and kotch
•Reverse it

I know how you feel.
Too young, she gone too soon.

J Capri was a true, talented dancehall artist and we won't be hearing from har again.

Unknown a yard but famous aboard.

Lie dat.

Mi knew har, jamaica knew har and WE miss har. We will always remember her.

R.I.P J Capri.

jamaican MusicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora