Ch.1 "Hellsing Organization"

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      I look down at the envelope in my hand. "I guess this is it." I say, sighing. Right as i go to knock ,the door opens. "Hello Miss Willston, we've been expecting you." a man say. I nod politely and step inside, watching him carefully. He seems like an older man, and his hair is pulled back into a ponytail."Sir Integra is waiting for you upstairs. Its the second hall to the right and the door at the end of the hall." he says, then turns and walks off. I sigh and follow his instructions. As I'm walking down the hall I turn, sure i heard someone behind me. My hand goes to the pistol on my belt. "No ones even there..."i say, turning back towards the door. I knock on the large oak door."Come in." i hear someone say. I push open the door and stop, confused. "Umm..I think i got the wrong room. Sorry for interrupting you Miss." i say, backing up to leave. "Miss Willston, you have the right place." the lady at the desk says. I look at her confused, "I'm Sir Integra. Welcome to Hellsing."she says smiling.

           I sit on a chair in front of the desk. "It's a pleasure to be here..Sir." i say. Integra smiles, "Now down to business, you've been chosen to work with us. You are up for the challenge, right?" she asks. The man from earlier walks in with tea, "Thank you Walter." Integra says picking up her cup. I take a sip of my tea and nod."I know what i have to do. I've hunted their kind before and I'm glad to accept your offer." I say sternly. Integra laughs, "That's what makes you different from the rest of the rookies." she says, light glinting off her glasses.

        After the meeting Walter leads me downstairs into an underground like area. He stops in front of a door,"This will be your quarters. Hope you don't mind your neighbors, they can be kinda...strange." he says then leaves. I sighs and push the door open, tossing my bag onto the table beside the door. 'hmm ..what did he mean by strange?' i ask myself. I kick off my shoes and fall backwards onto the bed. My eyes shut and i drift off to sleep.

     My sleep is interrupted by a knock at the door. I stand, picking the pistol off the table as i go to the door. "Who's there?" i ask, putting my hand around the doorknob. "The name's Seras" i hear someone say. I cautiously open the door, still holding the gun. The door swings open, outside it is a blonde girl in a yellow uniform. I freeze, noticing her bright red eyes. Before she realizes whats going on I've got her pinned to the wall, the gun aimed above her heart. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you??!!"she yells, her fangs showing. "Miss Willston please stop that, right now, she's on our side." I hear Walter say. I drop the gun to my side and back up, letting go of her. "Sorry....don't really trust vampires.."I say , slightly annoyed. Seras looks at me confused. "She seems to know what she's doing, unlike the rest of the rookies." she says, turning to Walter. Walter nods "That's's not her first encounter with your kind."he says. I lean against the wall, "He has a point. I've been a hunter since a pair of vamps killed my family." I say, pulling out a box of pocky.  Seras looks at her feet "oh..."she says. I shrug "Sorry i attacked you, didn't know Hellsing worked with a vampire." I say. There's laughter from down the hall. A chill runs down my spine and i turn towards the sound. "Oh, Sir Alucard. I didn't expect to see you up this early."Walter says. I tense, noticing the figure lurking down the hall. My eyes narrow, i'm unsure i could trust this man. My hand that's holding the gun curls around the pistol nervously. 'Why does he make me feel like i should run?' I ask myself, looking him over carefully. I sigh and sheath my gun."Great..just great. I'm surrounded by vampires." I say annoyed. Alucard laughs "Your quite observant, for a human." he says. Walter sighs and walks back upstairs, leaving me alone with a pair of vampires. I shrug my shoulders and watch them carefully, unable to trust them. "Well i'll just leave, seems I'm bothering miss newbie here." he says, walking away. Seras bows her head slightly, my eyes narrow.

       Once i'm sure hes gone i drop my guard slightly. "To tell you the truth, he's just creepy." I say smiling. Seras smiles "I guess, I've gotten used to him though."she says. I shrug, biting into the forgotten pocky in my hand. "Well, I'm going back to bed." I say turning towards the door. "Oh...and if anyone tries anything while I'm sleeping I'll put a silver round through their head." i say sternly. Seras laughs then nods "I'll remember that."she says as i walk inside. 

             < ---------------------------------------------THE NEXT DAY--------------------------------------->

            I sit up, hearing a knock at my door. Yawning i glance over at the clock beside my bed. "How the bloody 'ell did I sleep all day!?" I yell, jumping out of bed. "Miss Willston is everything alright?" I hear Walter ask. "Sure...."I say, pulling on my shirt. Once I'm completely dressed i walk to the door and open it. Walter smiles and hands me a bundle of clothes. "That's your uniform. Get ready and be Integra's office to receive your orders." He says. I nod and take the uniform, then politely close the door. "I'm not even here a day and i already have a mission. Oh well." i say quickly changing into the uniform. I look down at the skirt annoyed 'It's to short..'i think. Pulling open one of my drawers i pull out a pair of black leggings and pull them on. "That's better." i say smiling. I pick up a case on the floor that's holding my guns and quickly strap them all to my belt.

          In her office, i wait, annoyed. After several minutes Integra walks in and sits down behind her desk. She hands me a file, "This is your first assignment. You've got a vamp and his ghouls to take care of, they've been causing some trouble."she says. I nod politely and leave.


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