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I wake up and I spot a singular door in front of me, it's the only thing I can see in this seemingly vast room. I get up and walk towards it, the door was a Dark brown, elegant, yet simple. The silver knob which was also as elegant as the door seemed to glisten with some kind of clear fluid, it was warm. I bring my hand up to expect the fluid, it didn't have a smell. I licked a bit of it, it was salty.

Turning the knob of the door, the room reviled a grey, bleak room. A singular bulb hung from the middle of the room. I closed the door, wiping my hand on my shirt as the door disappeared and I disturbed the settled dust. The light seemed to be above a disheveled pedestal with something glinting from a moth eaten velvet pillow.

Again, I walk towards the only thing in the room. Now seeing what the glint was... It was a broken and rusted golden crown that had little of its original shine to it. I pick it up, feeling it in my hands, feeling the weight of it; it was heavier than what I though. I see my reflection in the only shiny part that was left, I looked tired, my hair was a mess and I had dark circles around my eyes. But I, unaware on why was doing it, was crying. Whenever I laid my eyes on this crown, my eyes start to fill up without me noticing it. The crown feels heavier now than what it was before. I put it up on my head, feeling something as I see the next door appear, remorse.

The door this time was a plain black door, with just a plain white knob. This time, when I touched the knob of the door, it was scorching hot, I hiss back in pain as I touch it. Knowing that there was no way on going back, seeing that the room behind me was now just a simple abandoned hall way closet, I bear the pain and open the door. Going in with my hand now stinging with pain, the room was a simple faded white, in the middle was a faded desk with a mirror on top of it, a picture of someone in its frame, and a single red rose, that was on its side, a few of its petals laid a skewed next to it.

I walked up to the desk, feeling... Something as I got closer, I touched the desk and it started to deteriorate, the feeling now stronger, I ignored it and went to pick up the rose, it starts to wilt as I bring it closer to me, the feeling arising again, getting even more stronger. I clench my fist, breathing a bit heavier. Before looking in the mirror, I notice the room around me has also, like the other things that I've touched, has molded and the paint is chipping and pealing. I quickly grab a glance of the photo, it was of a girl, before I notice the thing in the mirror, looking back at me, I punch it, anger finally having its grips on me, it shatters into pieces. My hand now hurts even more; I look at it, its bleeding. I don't care. Seething with the new found emotion, anger I recount what I saw in the mirror. It was a monster, it wasn't me, it couldn't have been me.

The door appears right after I punched the mirror, not ready to leave yet, I punched the wall a few times, leaving several holes in the weak walls and more cuts and bruises on my knuckles. Once I calmed down, I took a closer look at the door, it was again black, but the door was more warn down and intricate, patterns painted the door as ivy grew around it. The knob was rusted, yet slick and cold to the touch, the knob smelled a bit with an odor. The hairs on the back of my neck rose as I drew near and touched the knob. As I turned it, my heart beat rose and I took a gulp of air as I enter the room.

This room was dark, there was no light, yet it was lit by something. In the middle was a table that had another shiny object, a jar with some kind of liquid in it and a book. My heart continued to pound as I walked closer to the table, not wanting to, but needing too. Coming up to the table, it revealed to me the objects where a knife, a guess book and a jar with some kind of red liquid. I hesitantly pick up the knife and I black out for a moment, seeing something... Someone on the ground, when I awake, my sleeves were up and my arms were red. The knife in my hand, now blunt was also covered in red. I look around the room and it too was splattered with red. Red, red was everywhere; I drop the knife, afraid on what I might have done. I skipped the jar and picked up the guest book, person less whispers start to come through my consciousness, I open the book despite my better judgment. It was a wedding guess book, in the cover of it was a picture of a couple and two names, the woman's face and name screamed that I knew her and that felt like I had some strong feelings towards her and the Males face and name was not my own, but brought such hate and disgust to me as I looked upon it that I wanted to rip the book apart.

I flip through the book, spotting a few names that I recognized. I reached a page that was more warned then the rest that caused me to have another black out, waking again, the book was different and the voices where louder. I can't understand what their saying. But their messing with my thoughts, bring me more of what I now know, fear, "concentrate on the task at hand"

The entire book was now warn, it was missing pages and the cover was almost falling off, I look through it again, mysterious stains littered the bottom right edge of the book and several names were crossed out, including the grooms name, which looks like it was angrily done. The photo of the happy couple was now two pictures, one of the groom and the other was the bride, everything was the same in the background, but yet, their stances where different. A massive pain shot through my head as fear and grief grips around my heart with a iron fist. The couple where both mutilated to an extent that they were almost unrecognizable.

I drop to the ground, the pictures flutter with me as I drop them. I can finally make out what the voices are saying; they said that I did it, that I'm the cause of it. T-they have to be lying, T-they have to be, there I-is no way that I-I-I-I-I did that! I cover my ears, trying to block out the voices, it's not helping.

"Stop.... stop please... stop, I didn't do it! pleaSE STOP!! SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPPPP!!!!!!" I yell in the air, clawing at my ears, braking through the skin... they stop... everything goes quiet and the next and final door lies in front of me.

I shakily get up, looking at the door, the familiar door. The door was a normal brown door with a simple rectangle design etched into it. The know which was a normal round brass door knob was warm in my hands, like someone just recently used it, I open it, feeling nothing as I closed the door.

The room was quiet, like no one's been in here for ages; dust is settled on every box and item that lies around the room. The room its self screams such emotions of happiness, love and laughter. A warm glow of sunlight shines through the only window located on the back wall of the room.

I head over to the window, skipping over the items in the middle of the place, not paying them any attention, though, knowing that I'll be using them soon. The sun feels good on my now clean, but pale skin. I look out the window, smiling a bit at the children playing in the court yard. A few tears slip past my eyes as I look away and lay my eyes on the items in the middle of the room. A wooden stool, a rope and a picture of a woman that laid on the stool were what greeted me. I sit on the stool as I look at the picture of the lady, I smiled at my friend, beloved and love of my life, letting a few more tears slip.

I lay the picture down by my feet as I step onto the stool, my vision growing darker and my mind getting fogged. I slip my head through the hole in the rope and then kicked away the stool,

"I'm sorry Mary..."

Man this was a lot, didn't think I would type this much on one thing, I just got inspired by a quiz whose one of the answers was 'a rusted and dented crown'

The things I get inspire with strange, but yeah, here have a kind of sad story I made up for just one thing. Can you guess what I was trying to insinuate with the items in each room and what not?

-Dirk strider

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