Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Austin’s POV:

I woke up to a beautiful day. The weather was perfect, the sun beamed through my window, like a flashlight, burning my eyes. I quickly got up knowing I probably overslept. Usually when I awake the sun is not out yet. I looked at my clock. Yep, I’m going to be a little late.

I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I didn’t even bother to make sure my clothes looked alright; I just through something on and rushed out the front door. Mom was already at work… hopefully she thought I left before her. Otherwise I’m going to be busted when I get home.

I was excited for school today. I don’t know why, maybe because I’ll get to see Kaylein today. Well I get to see her everyday so it’s nothing special. But she is my best friend and I look forward to seeing her. We’ve been in school now for about a month. Yes, school just started back up. To be honest I have mixed feelings about it. I mean I hate school; I have much more important things I could be doing rather than spending my time on stupid school work. However, throughout the summer I’m usually away visiting some friends or something so I hardly get to hang out with my best friend. So you tell me, should I be happy school is back in progress or should I be totally bummed?

Anyway you’re probably wondering why my best friend is a girl rather than a boy. Well, I can, in all honesty, say that it’s because she’s much prettier. Just kidding. I mean she is pretty just not my type… Maybe. Back on topic, I’ve known her since we were like 2. She moved here when she was just a little baby. I’ve lived here my whole life. And just so you know, here is San Antonio, Texas. We grew up together, played together, went to school together, ate together, we pretty much did everything together. Over the years our friendship hasn’t really changed, which I’m very thankful for. Thanks to her I survived middle school and freshmen year.

I’m almost done walking to school. If you ask me I should get driven into school but no, somebody won’t let me get a car. Kay has been filling me in on what all happened while I was away. I was only gone the last month and a half but I guess drama starts quickly. And let me tell you, from she’s been telling me, a lot of things have happened over the summer. Just a day before I got back Kaylein caught her boyfriend Dillon cheating on her. Kay begged me not to murder the guy. But I have to admit it was very hard for me not too! I swear if he does 1 more thing, it will push me over the edge and I just might break something of his.

I finally get to school, a little later than usual but I made it before the first bell! Nice timing Austin. I was smiling at my wonderful, record-making time, when that smile faded and I saw what was going on in the hallway. Kaykay was just walking to her locker and Dillon comes out of nowhere and is pushing her against the locker telling her, almost yelling at her.

“I told you I’m sorry so you better start talking to me!” He said in her face. Rage instantly cursed through my body. My relaxed hands turned to hardened fists as I walked over to the commotion. Kaylein was desperately trying to push him away but she’s so petite that Dillon didn’t even budge. The more my eyes saw the more enraged I became. I approached Dillon unafraid. I took hold of his shoulder and turned him around so he was facing me and Kay had time to wiggle out of his grasp and make it to the other side of the hallway.

“Back off of Kaylein! Don’t you get it? You guys are over!” I bluntly stated.

“Why don’t you make me dude? And by the way no we’re not.” He replied shaking my hand off his shoulder. I glanced over at Kaylein. Her face had fear and worry written all over it. She shook her head letting me know she didn’t want me to fight him. I wanted to make her happy but I also couldn’t let him get away with what he just did to my baby! He is going to pay! I just can’t control my anger toward him right now. I gave her an ‘I’m sorry for this’ look and returned my attention back to Dillon.

“I don’t think you would want me to make you. Why don’t you just take my advice and STAY AWAY from her?” I repeated myself with more force this time. Did I dare look into Kay’s eyes again? Yep, that was a stupid decision. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. I don’t know if they were good tears, or bad tears. Women can be so complicated. Then she wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks and made her way through the crowd and toward the bathroom. Her friend Karina followed her. Karina is a good friend of ours and I knew she was in good hands with her but I still needed to go make sure. I had to go make this right. Right after I finish what I started. I turned and looked Dillon in the eyes, my hazel eyes fierce and full of hate.

“If you ever come near her again I swear I will kill you.” I said sternly, emphasizing the word ‘kill’. It may sound harsh, but I meant every single word. I turned to leave to go check on Kaylein but Dillon grabbed me by my shoulder and started to say something along the lines of how sluty she was and how he didn’t even want her. That was it. That was my breaking point. I turned around as fast as I could and punched him right in the jaw. He didn’t even have a chance to react before I walked off and toward the direction Kaylein went. I didn’t even glance back, I just kept walking. In a way I felt bad, I knew Kaykay didn’t want me to make a scene when that’s exactly what I had done. At least I only punched him once.

But why can’t he just leave her alone? I ran after her. We have been best friends for as long as I can remember and I love her, as a friend of course... But either way I need to make sure my baby is okay.  I heard him calling me names and taunting me to fight him but I just kept walking. Yeah sure I was still really mad at him and I would have loved to knock the teeth out of his mouth but Kaylein was clearly upset by what just happened and she means more to me then punching the life out of some douche bag.

I went up and knocked on the girls’ bathroom door. No one answered. I knocked again. Still no answer. Maybe they didn’t go to the bathroom…

“Kay are you okay?” I asked hoping to get a reply.

“Yes, I’m fine.” She said through sniffs. Not good, she was crying.

“Come on, let me in. If you don’t let me in, I’m going to just come in any way!” I threatened teasingly, hoping it would cheer her up a little.

“You wouldn’t dare, this is the GIRLS bathroom!” She emphasized the word “girls” a little too much. She’s not fine. It kills me to see or hear her like this. She’s my best friend, I love her, and I’m going in weather she likes it or not.

“Watch me!” I was about to push the door open when it opened itself, causing me to almost fall face-first into the door. To my surprise I saw Karina instead of Kaylein.

“Oh no you don’t! This is a GIRLS BATHROOM! In case you can’t read.” She said as she pushed me away from the door. There goes Karina again. She’s so stubborn.

“I have to make sure she’s going to be okay! Please Karina?” I asked gently with the saddest puppy dog eyes I could pull off. But she still didn’t buy it. I don’t know why but for some reason my puppy dog eyes never work on her. Or anyone come to think of it. I’ll have to work on that.

“I’m her best friend I’ll go in and check on her.” She replied softly. Almost like she knew how much and how badly I wanted, no I needed, to be there for her. It was a sweet side of her that no one gets to see much. I like it. I agreed to allow her 5 minutes to get her out here so that I could give her a hug.

It seemed like I waited for hours! It didn’t help that the bell rang 15 minutes ago. I’m super late for class but I still haven’t gotten to give her a hug yet and I’m not leaving until I do. I don’t care if I have to wait all day if that’s what it takes. Eventually she did come out. As soon as I saw her, our eyes locked, I searched her eyes for any clue of what was wrong. She stood on the other side of the hall for a minute. She looked as if she was trying to decide if she was going to hug me or not. Then a smile spread across her face and she ran and jumped into my arms. I comfortably wrapped my arms around her waist as she buried her face in the crook of my neck. We were in our own little world and I loved it. I wish I didn’t have to let go, ever.

We released each other’s grip but I then took hold of her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze, I smiled at her and began walking her to class. Before we parted ways she whispered to me, her lips gently brushed against my ear.

“Thank you Austin.” I nodded my head letting her know I would always be there for her. And with that I let go of her hand and walked myself to my own homeroom.

~End of Chapter~

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