And me

69 2 3

Your a internet gangster

A smarmy fucking wankster

Run your ass off online

But when I see you its all fine


you think you bad bro

Can't make me mad hoe

Hiding behind pixels

Typing black shapes

You photoshop your face

You big disgrace

But im not salty

Because you are at fault


I can be nice

But please don't provoke me

Your words can't choke me

But my hands can

When I wrap em around your neck

See the light fade from your eyes

I Despise your cries

Speak buddy speak!!

Aiden wants his fix

Im done with the tricks

Can you breath?

Can you hear me

Your turning blue in the face

I can feel your heart race



Your out like a light

You had no fight

You internet gangster

Gone like magic

You ran your shit

But your end was tragic

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