My Christmas Story...

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My Christmas Story...

"Why can't I just be a normal teenage boy," he moaned for what seemed to all his friends as the billon-eth time.

"Dude, you're asking Jack Frost? Seriously?"

"Yeah, but you've been doing this for what, three years now - surely you get some job satisfaction and you're used to it?"

"Well, I suppose... Look, Nick, it's your third and final year of work experience - who else is going to take over the family business when your Dad retires? And, Jesus Christ -"

"Yeah?" called Jesus.

"- Oh sorry, mate, I forgot, ha," Jack apologised, smiling sheepishly as Jesus glowered at him and walked away. Jack turned back to Nick and whispered, "I thought he was all about forgiveness and stuff?"

"No, that was his like, great great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandad - keep up, dude!"

"Anyway - it's only one night a year, Nick, and to be honest, it's not that bad!"

"At least the role of 'Jack Frost' means you get to age properly - I'm going to be eighteen years old with a white beard and seriously obese! Because all chicks dig that, of course," Nick replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Nick groaned, cursing his father for ever meeting his Mum. If they hadn't met then there would be no Nick - and no Nick meant no problem. You see Nick Claue was not a normal boy with a normal father. He was Santa Claus' son, and was due to take over the family business when he turned eighteen. Laugh all you like, but Nick hated the prospect of being loved by every child that believed in Santa. Worldwide love was as bad as eating a can full of slimy, wet, sloppy worms to Nick.

He turned to his best friend, Jack Frost and shoved him as they walked down the corridor of school. Jack and Nick attended a school for 'magical' people: holiday figures, fairytale characters, witches, wizards, fairies, goblins, dwarves, vampires (only those that could control their thirst, obviously), toads... And it was nearly time for the break-up for the Christmas holidays. Jack had already had some time off, being forced to make everything frosty and Christmas-ey, which meant late nights and skives from his morning classes.

However, the school day was finished, and now everyone was making their way to the Great Hall for an afternoon of Scottish Country Dancing to signify the end of the year. That's what you get for going to a 'magical' school in Scotland!

"Hey, guys," whispered a voice to their right. They looked round and saw a group of chattering, giggling girls in a sub-corridor. They were a great mixture - two redheads, three blondes, two with black hair, and one brunette. All of them were fairies.

The redheads were twins - Millie and Meg, both with a reputation to 'please' guys and were both Autumn fairies. They did everything together, from wearing the same items of clothing to the same accessories. No one but their parents could tell them apart - and even they had trouble. Today they were wearing thin black tights and green summer-dresses that finished above the knee, and just below the bum. Their shoes were high-heeled and green, making them about 5'8" rather than their usual 5'4". They both wore a black cardigan that was longer than the dress itself. They were you're typical airheads that thought way to much of themselves and were always applying more lip-gloss to their shiny lips and covering themselves in foundation until they resembled an orange. Nick didn't go for those types of girls. Jack didn't mind, though.

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