My Halloween Story....2

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It continues in part two... spooky ;)

recap -

"She's a witch! She's a witch! Faye is a proper, Harry-Potter style WITCH!"



Oooh, shit...




"A witch?" I laughed. Halloween had clearly gone to Janice's head. Or maybe jealously and Halloween had driven her crazy: she'd been stalking me for a while now, I knew she fantasised herself to be in love with me, but accusing Faye of being a witch? Maybe Janise had been drinking?



She pointed her finger at me menacingly, and at that point I knew she knew.

Oh, crap. When Dad found out about this... Witches don't get grounded. Where do you think the whole 'I'll-turn-you-into-a-frog' thing came from? 'The Princess and the Frog' kind of owe witches and wizards money for using the traditional parental punishment.

However, Dad wasn't here, and I could just make her forget... But then Isaac would notice, and making him forget would mean he'd forget about our little moment there, and I couldn't, wouldn't let that happen. I wouldn't lie to Isaac. But, I could just laugh it off, and therefore wouldn't be lying to Isaac exactly...

Could I not keep my secret for a little while longer? Once Isaac knew, he'd run off. Mortals didn't like new or weird things like magic. He'd disappear out of my life, and I'd be eternally unhappy.

Oh God, I loved my power, but at that point, I hated it for making me different from the people I went to school with. Why was life full of so hard choices!

"Janice," I said, staring deep into her eyes, my mind made up in that instant, "have you been drinking?"

This was my only way out. I nodded my head in encouragement, and Janice copied her eyes glazed over and her facial expression blank. Good, she was under the power of the spell. Now...

"Sorry guys," she stated blankly, her voice devoid of any expression, "yes, I have been drinking multitudinous alcoholic beverages this evening, and I am clearly intoxicated with the amount of poison I have consumed."

"Janice, are you okay? You don't usually use so many ... umm ... big ... words!" Isaac laughed.

Crap. Should've thought about that... Could I lie to Isaac any further? No...

"Isaac, I've got a confession..." I started.



"Isaac, I've got a confession..." she started. What was wrong with her? She looked really unhappy. Did she not want to be with me or something?

"Wait!" I interrupted, "let me just say one thing." She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off, "I love you."

I love her.



I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

I love you too, Isaac Jenkins. I love you too.



She cried. Her eyes filled with tears, and she cried! I declared my undying love for her (well, I said I loved her, I'm not really a romantic sort of dude) and she cried!

What chick does that?!

I managed to decipher apologetic words throughout the sobbing. Faye was getting herself more and more worked up, and I couldn't stop it. Well, maybe one technique would work...

I cut off her sobs by pressing her lips once more to mine. I smiled internally as our tongues dance the tango, moving in synchronisation. We were clearly perfect for each other. My hands snaked around her waist, and I pulled her into me. Her arms went around my neck pulling my head towards hers more.

I took a breather, but my lips did not leave her. I softly kissed her closed eyelids, forehead, and nose before returning once more to her lips. We sat on the bench for half an hour, pulling.

Romance on Halloween - that was new.



We were sitting on the bench still, chatting and laughing and occasionally exchanging saliva.

Even though Janice was out the picture, I still had to tell him about me being a witch. I mean, he declared his love for me, I had to tell him my secret.

The town clock chimed loudly, signalling it was midnight - a start of a new day: All Saints Day. Nothing spooky or weird happened to all the stereotypical 'dark creatures' (witches, wizards, goblins, werewolves, vampires etc...) but it did make us stronger, more powerful.

Okay, I suppose that is quite weird...

A sense of anticipation and a sense of purpose inexplicably built up inside of me. I would tell him. The whole truth - everything.

"I love you, Isaac Jenkins. I truly do! That's why I need to tell you the truth."

He waited with bated breath - it was obvious the next sentence uttered from my mouth would be one of extreme importance.

"Isaac - I'm a witch."




to be continued.....

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