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Wilson hurriedly ran the busy EPIG avenue in Brasilia South sector next to City Park. Now and then he looked back as measured the distance from his pursuers. Entering the park, he hid behind a tree. From there he could see the disappointment of the two thieves who have lost sight of. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a huge stone blue diamond, one that has never seen or in which his father brought Serra Pelada as a prospector. Surely it was a very rare stone and he was willing to surrender to the true owner. The two robbers that haunted him was Rubon and Fred. When he was younger, Wilson was part of the gang that had fun destroying public assets and committing petty theft. Wilson gave up the thefts after his former girlfriend almost died, but the other two continued making increasingly bold thefts. As part of revenge for being left out, he fumbled the plans of the two whenever he could.

- "It's we, it's we" - said in your favorite slang seeing the two lost evildoers.

Wilson saw a large group of people crowding near the fountain square in the middle of the park. It was a aeromodelismos exhibition developed by engineering students at the University of Brasilia. They assembled model aircraft powered by solar energy and that could be used in agriculture to spread seed or poisons. The aircraft flew at low altitude, not reaching high speeds.

- Ah! Here you are! Now you do not escape, Wil - Fred said.

- Hi, and there, guys! - disguised Wilson, with a wry smile.

- Give our package! Come on, return! - Rubon ordered, with its distinctive deep voice.

- Come on, bro? You know me, I'm not your anything.

- Are you kidding me? It's in your pocket, here you can see. Come on, return! - demanded Rubon.

- You mean that? - Wilson showed the stone, throwing her to the top in a small juggling - Sorry, but does not belong to you.

Wilson turned and shot at the crowd, bumping into each pushing the other. Meanwhile, a model airplane was being introduced to a group of businessmen and reporters as a breakthrough technology.

- Drugs! - complained Fred - the idiot's getting away!

- Do not let him escape - ordered Rubon in exasperation - out of the way, let's, out of the way!

Visitors to the Technology Fair chafed with jerks, but did not want to face the big guy to bad guy.

- Excuse me - Wilson said the presenter of the show - This device is good? It seems too small.

- It's the best of the category, has ... - the presenter took a few seconds to understand what was going on - Hey, you can not go in there!

The engine was running, he pushed the lever forward and the machine began to get around.

- Hey! Stop it! - Shouted the host, hanging on the cowling - Press the red button, press the red button!

- I do not know how off!

- Just press ... - he shouted desolate, completed with the normal voice hopeless - ... the red button.

Rubon and Fred approached. When they saw Wilson inside the unit, they tried to jump to catch it, clinging to the wing of the plane but could not hold and estatelaram on the floor. The plane gained speed and took off. Wilson waved to them that every meter rising, they were smaller and eventually disappear.

- What idiots, I think I'm going down - he told himself - Now I'm going to heaven! They never catch me.

He spotted a helicopter approaching. For a moment he thought he would be caught, however, they stopped. They were the state threshold, could not overcome the other side without authorization. It was one of the advantages of living in a small state, a few kilometers already changed the jurisdiction.

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