Chapter 32

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''How do you know?'' I frown as I look at her. ''Uhm... You're wearing a engagement ring?'' ''Oh yeah I completely forgot'' giggling I twist the ring around my finger and I sigh. ''But.. Nat.. A baby.. How will Leati react? He already got Joelle..'' ''He loves kids 'Leste. If he loves you as much as he tells you, he'll support you. It's him who got you pregnant after all.'' ''True.. It's not that I like kids, I love them, but right now is like the worst timing EVER.''

''What is the worst timing ever?'' Oh my god, I forgot Leati always returns around eleven am from the gym, I quickly hide the positive pregnancy test behind my back. ''Just that Randy and I are getting married while I'm having important matches soon.'' Nat quickly makes up while lying to Leati. I nod. ''You're hiding something Blossom, I've known you longer than today, I can see when you're lying and hiding something.''

''Babe.. We.. We have to talk..'' Leati sits down when I tap the bed. ''What's wrong?'' he strokes my cheek. ''Remember when we had fun?'' he nods. ''You didn't like it?'' '''No no no don't get me wrong, I wanted it too so I did like it. Turns out this causes my sickness..'' I show in the positive pregnancy test. He takes it, looking at it then back at me. He swallows ''Y.. You're pregnant?'' I nod, stuffing my hands in between my legs. ''This isn't a prank or anything right?'' ''Do you seriously think I'm pranking you with this shit?'' Leati looks hurt at me. ''I'm sorry.. I.. I didn't mean it that way..'' I inhale deeply. ''It's not a prank.'' I see him smile, looking at me with an adorable and happy twinkle in his eyes, he pulls me on his lap and he hugs me, I hug him tightly and smiling back. Nat smiles and she leaves the hotel room. Leati and I remain in this hugging position for half an hour till Jon and Colby walk in. ''Celeste you've got matches tonight, somebody challenged you.'' ''Who?'' ''It's your father.'' inhaling deeply. ''He wants to have a chat.'' ''And who challenged me?'' ''You'll see.'' Colby goes silent after. ''Le, what's that in your hand.'' Jon points at the pregnancy test Leati would be holding. ''Uhm C-'' I cut him off. ''I'm pregnant.'' ''What?!'' Jon and Colby both say at the same time, stunned. ''Really?'' ''Yes, really. It's no prank believe me.''

''Aw.. Little one is going to have a child!'' ''Yes I am blondie'' giggling I ruffle Colby's hair up, he scoffs and redoes his hair. ''Let's get these bodies going.'' ''We JUST got back from the gym.'' ''Fine I'll go alone then.'' ''No way, not now you're with child.'' ''Le.. Nobody else knows yet except us and Nat. Besides it's not a real baby yet, it's in progress. It's still a hump of cells developing in my uterus. Don't you worry, I know how to take care of myself.'' I give all of them a kiss on their cheek and Leati one on his lips.


I just keep on running on the treadmill, just keep running, running, running, running.. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming.. Sorry that just reminded me from Finding Nemo.. Hehehe.. When I can't continue running I turn the treadmill off, breathing heavily as I take a break. A cold water bottle drops from the machine and I take it, drinking thirstily. That moment when you're extremely thirsty and when you drink you can just feel the liquid run down your throat. I let out a long exhale, my tank top being soaked in sweat. It feels so horrible wearing a soaked shirt so I don't care and I just take it off, not caring I'm in my sports bra only. I look at my flat tanned stomach, I can't believe something's growing inside of it. IN me.. It's so weird, it's a miracle it's even possible. I stroke my stomach, exhaling as I see it's still as flat as ever, but not for long. ''You okay?'' Randy appears behind me. ''Randy!'' I run over and hug him, thank god he hasn't used baby oil this time. ''Bray Wyatt has challenged you to fight against him and Leati. I suppose you still need a partner.'' '''What?! I'm NOT fighting Le! There's no fucking way I'm going to fight my fiancé, my everything.'' ''Celeste, you have to! Hunter's orders. (HHH)'' ''I'm not going to fight him.. Especially not now.'' ''What's wrong?'' ''It's.. It's something between me and Le. I'm not going to fight him.'' I look at Randy. ''Leati has to team up with Bray. We have to team up together against them. I've already figured this out.'' Randy starts telling me his plan, how we eventually team up with Leati to fight against Bray, he'll probably have his 'Family' backstage. If it gets really ugly, Jon and Colby will have our back, the most important thing is to keep them out of the ring, if we do, they won't be able to touch us.


''Eyota to the gorilla, Eyota to the gorilla.'' ''Showtime.. Viper's in, so am I.'' ''Good luck'' Leati kisses my lips, resting his hand on my stomach, he's been protective over me ever since I told him. He's an awesome dad. ''Good luck little one.'' ''Good luck Tigress.'' I giggle at the nickname Jon gives me, 'You're feisty, like a tigress over her cubs.' I hug them all before I head to the double doors.



Randy smirks as he stands in our corner, Bray Wyatt already being there. As soon as I'm in the ring the theme song of Leati plays. Inhaling deeply he walks down the stairs, looking at me, me inhaling deeply too. He kisses each other shortly in the ring before Bray pulls us apart.

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