Chapter 28

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Tracing my necklace we walk in after walking past the lockers and changing rooms. "There you two finally are. Jesus it took for ever." "King Kong didn't want to wake up." "Well I am now." We each go to our own machine, I start off at the rowing machine, Jon and Colby on the treadmills and Leati starts with lifting weights.

I take a break from the rowing machine, not wanting to rip my muscles apart because they're not fully warmed up yet. Out of the blue, my father and Glenn appear. Automatically I head to the treadmill, eventually all four of us on the treadmill working on our stamina. Inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth seems to be the best way to keep going for roughly thirty minutes on a above average speed. After that I take a break, so do the lads. My dad starts lifting weights while Glenn does the same.

Pov Leati

Seeing Mark and Glenn in the gym says enough why Celeste is tensed. "Lads." Jon and Colby look up while Celeste sits down on a chair, sipping from her water bottle as she does. I nod at Glenn and Mark, Jon looks over at Celeste, her look is focused on her father and Glenn. Unwrapping the tape from my wrists I grab a towel, wiping the sweat of my face and arms. Her father looks in our direction, his facial expression says enough when he sees her tattooed arm. Glenn looks over to after Mark whispers something to Glenn. Mark walks over, Glenn following. "Celeste, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mark ignores me while Glenn keeps an eye on us, Glenn is.. Trust able. Mark is just unpredictable when he's around. "Why." Celeste's voice is cold as she looks up at her father. "Because I say so and I want to ask you something." "You asked so I'm not forced to talk to you." "Celeste.." Glenn speaks softly as he looks at her, she sighs and follows her father, Glenn watches from a distance when they talk and so do we. "I don't trust him.." "Yeah.. Me neither.." Jon and Colby speaks quietly so Glenn and Mark don't hear.

"It's her father, she's trusting both of them, so should we but stay on guard." We continue working out. "You're not the one that decides this! I am your father! Nobody else!" Mark speaks loudly, Glenn seemingly getting ready to step in when needed. Looking over while timing Jon and Colby on the treadmills I keep an eye on all three of them.

"You decide?! It's my fucking life! You don't decide whether I'm together with Leati or not! Leave. Me. Alone. Like I told you last time. You've lost me already." Celeste walks away from her perplexed father, she walks over and pulls me with her to the changing rooms, frowning i look at her as she does, allowing her though.

"Are you alright?" I ask carefully. "I hate my father.. I don't want to talk to him again.. Never again.." Her shoulders start to shock and so does her breath and voice when she buries her face in my shirt, I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. "Don't say that.. He's your father.." "But I'm not his daughter. Not anymore.." "Celeste-" She cuts me off by kissing me, I kiss her automatically back, she runs her fingers through my hair after taking the hair tie out that kept my hair in a bun. Gently brushing my hair out of my face she tucks it behind my ears while she twirls it around her finger.
Tonight we've got a match. She hasn't spoken to her father ever since the gym. Glenn and Mark left after Celeste raged out on her father. We'd all be in The Shield's locker, while I'd take my shirt off to get changed into my ring attire. Celeste seems relaxed while she gets changed too. "We're against Jericho-Show, Kalisto and Alberto Del Rio. It's gonna take all of us to beat them." I look around, looking every person in our locker in the eyes and they nod agreeing. "How about we just go as The Hounds of Justice? They'll be surprised and I just love the masks how they look on your pretty face" Celeste comes close and kisses my lips softly, my hand rests on her lower back just above her ass and I break the kiss slowly.

"That'd be awesome little one." "Thank you blondie." Celeste giggles when Colby looks perplexed at us that she just called him blondie. "That's mean.." ''She's mean what do you expect.'' I let go of Celeste after I spoke, stuffing my regular shirt in my bag. ''I learned it from the best.'' giggling softly she pulls my hair. Smiling faintly I zip my bag closed. ''The Shield to the gorilla, The Shield to the gorilla.'' ''It's showtime.'' we all put our masks on, and head to the double doors where we close to always appear from. ''Wait, I got an idea, you'll love it.'' she kisses my cheek quickly and heads backstage to the realm, where everybody walks in except us. ''Where's Celeste?'' ''She walks in somewhere else.'' the guy that announces us nods and plays our music.








''Ladies and Gentlemen, the opponents for this eight-men and woman tag team match.. Please welcome The Hounds Of Justice!!''

The crowd explodes in excitement and cheering as soon as we walk in, the men, women, toddlers all the other people tapping our shoulders and arms, some holding out there fists as I give them a box. Walking down those stairs, Kalisto, Jericho-Show and Alberto Del Rio are already in the ring. As soon as we get in the ring they immediately get out, frowning as they see Celeste is missing. ''Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on! Where is Eyota? Isn't she supposed to be with Roman, Seth and Dean?'' ''I don't know JBL.. I guess it'll be a handicap mat-'' Celeste walks in just when Byron is about to finish his sentence. ''Nope! I'm wrong, there she is!'' Celeste walks over to the ring, doing her usual move with a couple of screw drivers and she looks dangerously around while looking at the crowd, we put together our fists as a symbol from The Hounds Of Justice.

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