|You Weren't My Last|

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It's been a while.

It's been almost a year since we-us-ended.

And I can finally say I'm over you.

I can hug you without lingering for another moment.

I can laugh at your jokes without feeling my stomach doing a backflip.

I can look at you without trying to memorize your imperfect perfections.

I can smile at you without hoping yours will only be directed towards me.

But that doesn't mean I still don't think about you.

I still hope you're okay physically and mentally.

I wonder if you and your friends still share those terrible inside jokes.

I wish your family all the happiness they deserve.

I loved you, and somewhere in my heart, I always will.

But I know, now, that this wasn't meant to be.

This wasn't everlasting.

This wasn't my perfect match.

I know, now, that you were my first.

But you weren't my last.

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