Chapter 1

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 Thanks to Wynter for inspiring me with this story.

~ LANA ~

I stared at the hands on the clock that was above the blackboard in total boredom. Mr Raine had written ‘All the best for the future’ across the board in capital letters. I groaned as the hands moved slowly and I wanted the time to speed up so I could leave as soon as possible one the bell rings to single the end of school. I wish school just ended today so I didn’t have come back tomorrow when I officially graduate high school.

I glanced over at my friend Tara who was sitting beside me. She had this dreamy look on her face as she glanced down at her left wrist. She recently got this tattoo where she signed her boyfriend’s name in the style of calligraphy in black ink. She had a notebook opened in front of her but she didn’t seem like she was writing anything. I guess Blaine’s name was more important to her than the latest story she is in the middle of writing. Tara is working towards of becoming an author someday. I wonder what she is going to be like now that school is over. Sometimes I don’t get it how she can be so enthusiastic about school. English was her favourite subject and she never wanted to miss it at all. I hated English.

I don’t think Tara even took any notice that I was staring at her. It’s like her and her tattoo was the only ones in this classroom. Half of me wanted to grab her face and make sure her blue eyes were facing me rather than “Blaine’s name”. I was just so bored. I was talking to Tara a moment ago about what we were going to do over the holidays when she caught sight of Blaine’s name. She had been staring at his name for the last ten minutes. Maybe I should just amputate her wrist so she couldn’t look at his name anymore.

“Tara,” I called out to her.


I rolled my eyes. She still wasn’t taking any notice of me. “Tara, Simple Plan just walked through the door.”

At the mention of her favourite band she quickly looked up. “Really? Where?”

“Sorry, but they aren’t here,” I said.

“Then why did you say it, Lana?”

“You stop paying attention to me just so you can look at your wrist.”

She smiled and glanced down at her wrist again. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. Whenever I look down at Blaine’s name it makes me think about him and know that he is with me wherever I go even when he isn’t with me. He is so…” Her voice trailed off with that dreamy look on her face again and I knew she had lost her. Sure she has been dating Blaine for about five months and I do agree that he is one hell of a sexy guy, but it didn’t mean she had to ignore me!

I reached over and grabbed her wrist. Tara faced at me. Her expression was cross between scared and shock. I wasn’t even sure why she was even giving me that look. Perhaps she didn’t expect me to grab her like that or maybe the annoyed look on my face scared her or something. “No. Don’t you dare look at your wrist. I know Blaine is hot and seeing his name marked permanently on your skin makes you feel like you’re in heaven, but right now he isn’t here. I’m here so please do not ignore me when I’m talking to you!”

Tara stared at me, almost speechless. “I’m sorry, Lana. I didn’t mean to ignore you like that.”

I was going to say something else but the bell rang. I immediately jumped up from my desk. Tara took her time clearing up her notebook and stuffing her book into her bag.

“Come on, Tara,” I begged her. “I wanna get out of this dump.”

Tara zipped up her bag and swung it over her shoulder. “School isn’t that bad.”

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