The Secret Behind the Wallpaper

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Heyy! So i wrote this story when i was like 11 and im bored so im deciding to randomly upload it here :) im strange - i know!

Anyway the third chapters kinda sad and the best i think so you should read on :) it'll only take like 2 minutes of your life - not much to lose :) Please comment / vote / fan <3

lol - Lots of love

Kate xoxo


***Chapter 1***

    “Abbey….  Abbey….  ABBEY get up!! You’ll be late for school again.” Mum called up the stairs.  “I’m up,” I said fibbing, as I rolled over in my toasty bed and pulled the duvet up over my head.

      This was the same old routine that happened every morning in our house, I would hold out as long as possible but then it would be time to get up and start the day’s boring schedule, all over again.  I really did think that this would never change and that I would be stuck in this rut for the rest of my life, but little did I know that this very day everything would change for ever.

    As you have heard already my name is Abbey, I am eleven years old and I live with my Mum and Dad and Brother Jack,  Mum is really fun and is a leftover from the hippy generation, she likes wearing flower pattern blouses, torn jeans, faded runners and rarely combs her wild hair.

     Dad is a Commandant in the Army and he treats us all like his soldiers, this can be, depending on my mood, sometimes fun but more often annoying.  He is always dressed just so perfectly, even on his days off, his hair is always neatly combed back, his shirt and tie always perfectly pressed and his shoes always shine.  I guess this proves that opposites really do attract.  As usual Dad was long up and gone before any of us had even begun to wake. 

    Jack my little brother, he’s aged eight and his mission in life is to annoy me as much and as often as possible.  He really is a mix of my parents as he is always scruffy and yet likes nothing better than playing at soldiers. 

    We live in an officer’s house in the Curragh Army Camp in County Kildare.  I have always loved the scenery here with the wide open plains and the sight of racehorses training in the early morning sun as we pass by on our way to school in Kildare Town.

    Mum dropped Jack and I off and then went on to her painting class that she gave every other morning in the local Community Centre.

    School was fun today as we had P.E. and art class, both of which I love.  My best friend Leanne and I shared all of the gossip we had, which as usual wasn’t very much. We skipped around together in the playground and pretended that we were Doctors in a busy Hospital treating all kinds of different dire wounds, none of which proved too complicated for our superior imaginary skills.  We never lost a patient.

    Finally at three o’clock the longed for going home time bell rang and before you could change your mind, I had my coat on, bag packed and was charging out the school gate.  Mum and Jack were in their usual spot waiting to do taxi home and we soon arrived in and tucked into some of Mum’s lovely homemade Sesame seed fairy cakes. 

    By the time we had both finished our homework and changed out of our school uniforms Dad came in looking very serious, this was not all that strange to us but something in his manner troubled me,  I just couldn’t say exactly what it was.

    He signalled to Mum with a finger gesture, pointing to the kitchen and she followed him in there after which he closed the door.  Even Jack knew at this point that there was something up and Jack said, “I hope they haven’t found out that I lost Dad’s bravery medal in the back garden.”  “You’re in for it now,” I said, a few minutes passed during which time we strained without success to make out Mum and Dad’s whispering voices.

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