Chapter IV: Marked

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The students clambered about as they all gathered their belongings, getting ready to leave and head off to their respective classes. Rosalie placed her notebook and pouch into her bag before someone nudged her shoulder from behind. Stumbling, she lightly bumped into the desk before looking back at her best friend, Maria.

Maria stood with her crazy curly hair making a mane around her caramel-colored face, her amber eyes glinting with mirth as she had a mischievous smile sported on her plump lips.

"Hiya, girl." She greeted in her usual chirpy manner.

"Hi, Maria." Rosalie chuckled in response as she hoisted her bag over her shoulder. "How's your day?"

"Ah! Same old, same old." Maria exclaimed as she folded her hands behind her head, walking out of the room beside her friend. "Although, how are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"The past few months seemed to be rather tough on you. You had looked pretty out of it, but now you look better again."

"Oh, did I really look that bad?" Rosalie inquired curiously. "Sorry, I was stressing about studies, but luckily our exams are over."

"You can say that again." Maria scoffed as they resumed walking down the hall.

Since they didn't have a class until later, both of them decided to make use of the time they had together and grab themselves some lunch.

Making their way out of the university building they walked towards the little coffee shop on campus. The bell rung overhead as they pushed open the door, joining the line while talking about the mundane matter like the latest fashion trend or their favorite celebrity and models. Giving their orders, they paid and gathered their food before finding a seat to resume their chatter.

"Um!" Maria exclaimed through a mouthful of Ruben sandwich, chewing quickly to speak. "I almost forgot! The gang is all coming over to my place for a get-together."

"Oh. The usual bunch?"

"Yup! Wanna join?"

"Have I ever said no to hanging out?" Rosalie inquired with a teasing smile.

"Well actually-"

"-shut up." She spoke in mock shock as they both chuckled and finished their food.

Disposing of their mess, they both parted ways with a hug and a promise to meet up later.

Rosalie walked over to her classroom, seeing only a few people seated around as one particular person was grinning and waving towards her. Chuckling to herself, Rosalie made her way towards him as his smile grew.

"Hey!" He greeted as she sat down beside him. "Long time no see."

"You literally saw me yesterday, Dante." She giggled in response.

"Well, 24 hours is a long time, okay."

"If you say so."

Taking out her material for this class, she talked to the boy about his day, asking how his studies were going and if he were going to Maria's get together.

"Duh," Dante spoke with an eye roll as he leaned back in his seat, placing his arm on the back of Rosa's chair. "Are you going this time?"

"Yeah, I am."

"That's great. I missed you last time." He spoke without thinking as Rosalie looked at him with a raised eyebrow, the boy's face grew into a deep pink as he stumbled over his words. "I-I-uh-I mean we! We missed you the last time."

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