Chapter I: "Drive!"

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The Tuscany sunlight streamed down on the walking pedestrians as they all went about their day. Some of them seated outside at the cafes, some of them chatting alongside one another, but all of them enjoying the weather.

Winter was settling in and the first snow hadn't fallen yet, giving people the time to enjoy the last of the pleasant weather before they considered centrally heated isolation. Taking advantage of that fact, people made the most of the time they had.

A girl, with light chestnut brown hair and a beautiful shade of sapphire eyes, grabbed her belongings before making her way to her car. She had just buckled in her seatbelt when her passenger's door burst open; resulting in a startled jump from her accompanied by a shriek when she saw a man sit down beside her.

"Drive!" The man groaned in pain as she stared at him in shock, her eyes wide as she took in his condition.

His dark hair was matted and sticking to his forehead with his cerulean blue eyes looking around rapidly. Both of his hands were smeared with blood, pressing down on a gunshot wound in his abdomen and holding a black gun.

"Fucking drive!" He bellowed again as she jumped into action. Pushing down on the accelerator, driving blindly like a mad woman whose life depended on it.

It just might because the man beside her did have a fully loaded gun with him.

"Highway. Now," He moaned in pain, throwing back his head, his eyes shut tightly as she could see he was losing a lot of blood. It was seeping through his shirt and pooling onto his lap. Bile rose in the girl's throat and she knew she had to do something before he died in her passenger seat, and then having to explain the presence of a corpse in her car would be whole other matter.

"Let me help you." Her voice trembled as she drove in the direction of the highway, checking her mirrors to see a desolate stretch of road behind them.

"Just the highways."

"The highway is thirty minutes away, even at this speed, and you will die of blood loss if you don't allow me to stem the blood flow." She explained as he squinted at her through his haze. "I'm a medical student, please let me help you."

"Why? For all I know...all I might be one of them."

"You're the one with the gun, mister. You tell me who is at a disadvantage."

The stranger fell silent as he closed his eyes against the pain, a groan escaping his lips as she noticed the gun to be trembling.

"Fine! Fine!" He groaned.

Parking to the side of the road, she stepped out of her car and went towards the back where she retrieved a first aid kit. Holding up her hands, she displayed the kit before approaching and opening the door, finding the man to be trembling, on the verge of going into shock as he held the violently shaking gun at her.

"I'm not...not taking... any any chances."

"Okay." She nodded in understanding as she crouched before him, unbuttoning his stained white shirt. Apologizing when he winced in pain. Suddenly his trembling grew worse as she started to clean the wound to get a good look at it, her senses going into hyperdrive as she knew what this meant.

He was going into shock.

"I need you to talk to me to keep you from going into hyperactive shock." She explained as she inspected the wound. "What's your name? I'm Rosalie."


"Arcangelo, can you tell me if anyone is waiting for you at home? Family? Or friends?"

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