» Glossary + Cast «

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I'm making this because there are a lot of characters and a lot of questions I get about who's who and what's what. If you ever forget, simply go to this portion of the book. The only reason I'm adding Silvia and Dakota because there are some background information about them that I think some people might not remember because it was mentioned early on in the first book.

All right, so people don't get confused. Here are all of things that *have* been revealed about Segg; This doesn't mean this is all you'll ever learn about Segg. There's still a lot to learn in the second book:

Segg (or SeGG) stands for Seniors Gag Group. The creator of this group is unknown, but it was Jonah Ellington that made it notorious when he was in high school. He was the leader of Segg. Something awful happened that year which caused them to stop doing Segg for a couple of decades. It wasn't until Dakota's Junior year when Segg finally made a reappearance (that was around the same time Diana committed suicide and Heath's sister went missing). The only way you can be a part of Segg is if you are the selected few boys in a sports team, typically Lacrosse. If an outside party wants to join, they have to be related to a current member or dating a current member. This rule does not apply to the maestro--a.k.a. leader of Segg. Because of the whole incident back in the 80s, maestro's can not invite members.

Excerpt: "Segg is something that hasn't been done in Crescent Height since my mom was going to school. It's where certain senior boys partake in pranks, competitions, games, and other stupid things. A lot of it revolved around humiliation. The pranks and humiliation was thrown toward the teachers and rarely ever the students. It wasn't until the late 80s when it shifted more towards student humiliation. Your dad is kind of a legend for pulling the stunt he did during his senior year." Dakota retorted. "Something happened during our parents senior year that made them banned this type of senior tradition."

"If it's really back, then we're all screwed." Heath announced. "Its pretty secretive on who is a part of the selected few who do it. And not ever member inside knows who's all apart of it unless they're the leader. They do this to insure there won't be lots of names a snitch can give out." (chapter 41)

Seconds Excerpt:"If it was so bad that it became banned to join Segg then whatever my dad did must've been really, really bad." I said, taking the first bite of my pizza. "What does Segg even stand for?"

"Seniors Gag Group. You know, a gag like a joke." Heath informed. "It's a idiotic name to match a stupid group of people. Most of the things they did was way too messed up to even be considered a prank. I think there's a fine line between pulling a practical joke and being cruel. You can't justify being an asshole by calling it prank."

I straightened my back in the booth as a new thought occurred to me. "Wait, if Beth and Xander were talking about there being a Segg group this year, then who's to say there wasn't one last year? Chase could've been a part of it. It all links up to whatever they could've done with either of your sisters."

"Unless they did like a competition or something brutal held under wraps, that would be the only possible case scenario. If it was a prank, everyone on campus would've known about it." Dakota answered.

I picked up my cold glass of soda and sipped it out of the straw. "Do you think this has any connection to who might've impregnated Diana? We should really start at least thinking of possible suspects." (chapter 42)

Maestro's job: To make sure everyone's identity is kept under wraps, holds the bidding, revoke privilege to prank if it is too extravagant or not up to standards, and moderates the prank to make sure everything goes as planned. He can override a prank (like how he has now made Silvia's prank worse because she didn't get him back with Ronnie). Lastly, the maestro is the only one who knows every member in Segg. Not ever member in Segg knows who's involved.

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