Chapter 8

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Hey, sorry for not updating for awhile, things have been busy, with the end of the school year and a lot of other things. I am hoping that I will be able to update Nightmare a lot sooner, now that summer is almost here. Anyway, I hope that you like this chapter.

Edward was standing in the middle of a different room; it was a lot smaller than Michael's office, but still it had the same feeling, cold, lifeless and eerie. A thin layer of dust was gathering on the phones, switchboards and other equipment that was scattered all over the place. The guards said that this room was used for communication between humans and vampires, but judging from the state of the room, it hadn't been used in a while. Michael's piercing words were still ringing in Ed's ears.

"I will give you one phone call, to either tell them that you're coming home or to say your last goodbyes."

Edward walked to the nearest phone. The black dusty old phone sat almond many other things giving the impression that all of this stuff was just useless junk. Before picking up the phone, he glanced back at the door. Waiting just outside the door were two guards, the same two guards that killed Shane and William. Michael had ordered them to escort Edward to the phone room. He was glad that they were waiting outside. Everything was already hard; adding two people that were always looking over your shoulder would be uncomfortable.

Gripping his limp sleeve, Michael had destroyed so many live by killing or controlling them. Ed wouldn't let himself become one of those people. Seeing the pain and misery that Michael had created, seeing the puppets that hung from strings while dancing in the palm of Michael's hands was sickening. He will never stop fighting, no matter what, even if he only had one arm or if the future looked bleak, he will find a way to stop all of this and get back everything that everyone had lost.

Turning back to the phone he picked it up and dialed a phone number. The ringing of the phone was like a deadly ticking bomb, one that could go off at any moment. How was everyone going too reacted to the decision that Ed had made, not only that, how would they react when they found out everything that had happened. He'd promised to Al that he wouldn't get caught and that was exactly what happened. A click of the phone brought Ed back to reality.

"How may I help you?" A woman kindly said.

"Hello, I like to speak to Colonel Roy Mustang," Ed said.

"What's your code?" The woman asked.

Giving the woman the code he waited patiently for her to patch the call through.

A sharp, loud noise rang throughout the quiet room. Dark, piercing Eyes looked up from the pile of paperwork and over to the source of the sound. The sharp ringing of the phone stopped the moment Roy picked it up, hoping that it was one of the search teams. Roy knew that it was a long shot; it's been two weeks since Edward went missing and there weren't any clues as to who had taken him or where.

"Major Edward Elric is on an outside line, would you like me to patch it through." The woman said.

Time seemed to slow down. Roy's mind tried to process what had just happened, but it was having a hard time doing so, as it didn't believe, what was happening. Could it really be true could Edward really be on the other line? It was hard to say, but quickly getting over the shock, he answered the women, while trying to hide the urgency in his voice.

"Yes, patch the call through."

Hoping that it was really Edward on the other line and not the kidnappers or even Michael demanded something in return. If it was them, then what did they want and why would they be calling Roy, but on the flip side of things what if it was Edward. Did that mean that he had escaped and was now hiding somewhere safe? So many things were running through Roy's mind at the moment. Waiting for the call to be patched through felt like hours, it was agonizing waiting to find out who was on the other end. A small click from the phone could be heard signaling the call had gone through, now the waiting was over.

NightmareTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon