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Y = You            SD = Step Dad
O = Odell          M= Mom
Starting to abbreviate since I have a lot of conversation

Y - *crying* Odell you don't love her, right? Please tell me this is a joke

O - Y/N I don't love you anymore, I'm sorry goodbye

*alarm clock *

I shot up, sweating and frantic. I looked next to me to see the rest of the bed empty. I hate when Odell does this, he knows my dreams don't go well when he's not next to me. I calmed down and took a shower. I started to wash my hair and regained its natural state. I finished bathing and when I got out I put on something comfortable. I went downstairs, hopefully to see Odell. Guess I didn't have enough hope because he wasn't in the kitchen, living room, or basement. I sat down and thought of where he could be. I started to cry as I remember my "dream". Was it really a dream or was it what happened last night? I cried because I wasn't sure which one. I started throwing things knowing I just lost the love of my life. I sat against the wall and continued to cry until I felt strong arms wrap around me. I recognize the cologne and a smile crept on my face. I looked up to see Odell with worried eyes. I jumped on him and kissed all over him.

Y - Where did you go?

O - The refrigerator was empty, I went to the store to grab some breakfast.

Y - Well don't do that, I thought I lost you and *crying* that you loved another girl and left me last night but I just couldn't remember.

O - Aww baby, I'd never leave you, don't worry I got you *kisses your forehead* I'm sure you're hungry after all this worrying you've been doing.

Y - Yes, can I help?

O - Nope it's a surprise, so go in the living room and chill out

Y - Well since we're talking about surprises I think it's time I tell you something.

O - Oh gosh, what you been up to babe?

Y - My mother and her ugly husband are coming over tonight to meet you

O - Ok, I'm excited. Now this ugly husband?

Y - Yea *laughing* But wear something cute and appropriate mister. They're coming at 6:00 so be prepared. I'll start dinner later

O - Isn't that a bit early for dinner?

Y - Yea but I want this ugly old man out my house

O - Will you be nice to this man when he gets here?

Y - Do I get a reward? *bites lip and walks closer*

O - If you be a good girl then yes

I made a pouty face and stomped to the living room. I heard him laugh and smiled. I turned on the tv and waited for him to finish cooking. 5 minutes later he came with our food and we ate in silence, occasionally giving glances and smiles.  We went to our room and prepared our clothes for tonight. He agreed to wear this and I'm wearing this:

 He agreed to wear this and I'm wearing this:

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