~Keep In Touch~

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For about 2 and a half hours, the girls walked back to civilisation, occasionally dropped into a pit of silence, but quickly scooped back up by small talk. In a small cafe near to Madeleine's house, they each ordered a small cappuccino and sat down to discuss; during their ascent into town, they had all explained what had happened the day previous.
"So, we all just had... OUTBURSTS of weird.....power?" Hanna sipped her coffee, peering up at them concernedly.
"I-I guess," Sophia had long overcome her timidness and began to closely analyse her peers; for the first time, she felt welcomed, surrounded by people who appreciated her. Surprisingly, Emily had quite the artistic flare and intelligently mind. For a jock, she was interesting. And Madeleine was extremely open-minded; it seemed she was thankful for their company and personality, although they'd only know each other for less than a day. Finally, Hanna was amusing and fun, and, while she did have a careless (slightly irritating) streak, overall, she was kind and honest.
Even though she was not one to throw her trust about, Emily felt a strong bond between this group of girls; their different ways and words made the whole conversation millions more interesting, and their somewhat rebellious nature opposing stereotypes gave her satisfaction. After years of being singled out as she was, Emily had finally found the friends she had been looking for. Hanna's excitement and ambition provided her adventure and fun, Madeleine's attitude and care provided her a friendly sense of competitiveness/alliance, and Sophia's creativity and skill provided her passion and understanding.
Not being the most sentimental human on earth, Hanna wasn't as deep with her thoughts; however, these people gave her hope and fun. The way Madeleine told her jokes, the way Emily immediately gave a sarcastic comeback, the way Sophia laughed, it all made her happy. For the first in a long time, Hanna beamed and laughed with people who wanted to be with her. She was where she wanted to be.
Starting off a shaky start, Madeleine had long forgotten her past with these people and focused on the present. Every remark, every smile, it was all real. No fake friendships or fake laughs, just pure personality. All of them were different,granted, but it was like they were puzzle pieces; each one was of different shape and size, talent and colour, but they all fitted together.
The last drop of coffee was gone. It was 5 o'clock. Yawning from the days early start, they decided to head their separate paths. After exchanging numbers, of course.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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