First Day of School

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Aria's Point of View :

It's been 2 months since that vacation from the Philippines and I hardly ever talked to Joshua and Ethan. Right now I'm walking to school with my bestfriends, Dustin and Audrei.

"Hey Ari? " Dustin called while poking my shoulder.

"Yeah Dustin? " I answered, looking at him, smiling.

"Nothing. Never mind " he said.

What was that all about?

"I can't wait to see our new classmates!! " Audrei squeaked whilst jumping up and down.

"Yeah me too" I agreed.

Finally we've arrived in the school. There all the jocks and b*tches/sluts were in place. We took a deep breath first before we entered the campus. So we are actually uh supposed to be "unpopular " so we get bullied a lot but sometimes I defend the group if I can.

We headed to class and sat at our usual seats, at the back. Soon enough, I heard squeals. But me being the girl I am, I wasn't curious enough to know.

"Hey. " I know that voice from anywhere.


"H-hey" I stammered while looking down at my desk.

"So uh wanna hangout? " he asked, looking at me hopefully, waiting for my answer.

"Uh s-su-" I got cut off by the school's biggest Slut ever,

Stephanie Barbie Poznan.

People say that she's slept with almost 3/4 of the school's boys and half of the teachers.

"Ew Joshua! Why are you hanging your a*s open with that nobody and unpopular freak? When you can have...... Meeeeee!!! And I actually am good when it comes to fulfilling your needs" she actually 'failed' on FLIRTING with him.

"Yup you're right, she is a big slut " Joshua said.

"See I told you!! " Stephanie screeched whilst clinging onto his shoulder and sliding her br**st up and down his arm.


He shook her off his shoulder and gave her a look of disgust, "Sorry uh, I don't DATE bitches okay? And I was talking to her *points at me * not you, also, you're clingy, a slutty loser, if you think that you're attractive, it's the other way around, even a zombie looks better than you, and FYI she's not a nobody, because she is ACTUALLY friends with Justin Bieber, Dove Cameron, One Direction, Eleanor Calder and other popular artists because the day they met her, they thought that she was cool, at least they know her and know she exists unlike you, celebrities don't even know your human, "he snickered. He was NOT supposed to tell them that I know celebrities.

You see, I knew all of these celebrities because they saw my cover videos and 1D's manager Simon Cowell, offered me to work with them of course I nodded but I strictly gave them orders to just keep myself in low profile and I also am not to go to an Awards Show, or any show without a mask. Good thing I didn't tell them that I am a celebrity in disguise.

Stephanie looked at me with pure disgust and despise and I returned the favor with a smile, she turned to look at Joshua and replied, "Are you saying that I am not you're type? Ugh, do you know that you are turning down a once in a lifetime, rarely done offer"

"More like once in a lifetime, rare despair contract " he cackled.

"How about we just forget this ever happened and you are to be my boyfriend " she bargained.

"Nah! I don't date leg-faced clowns" he answered while leaning on the wall, with a smile drew on his face.

"Ahh, Urrrrgggghhh!!!! " and with that she stormed off.

"That........ Was AWESOME!!!!! " Dustin praised.

"Haha Dustin, my life could be a kill zone right about now!! "I scolded

He raised both his hands in surrender while I was busy pulling my hair out.

"Joshua if she kills me, I will surely haunt and strangle you to death " I warned. I would do that, well if I could.

"If you die, then I shall die with you " he stated while putting a hand over his chest.

"Haha funny" by the time I said that, his petty fan girls vanished. Finally no disturbance.

"C'mon let's go talk to Ethan!! " I pleaded

"Okay, okay chill! " he surrendered, seconds later, the next thing I knew was that he was dragging me to the 'popular ' group's table. I saw Ethan from afar, kissing Steph- I mean Barbie.

"May we have a moment with Ethan? " Joshua sarcastically asked.

"Yes you may " Barbie spoke up whilst glaring at me as her minions did the same. Actually they are known as the,

B Group

-it stands for Beautiful group. Or as I would like to call it,

Bitch Group. Genius am I right or am I right?

There are 4 group members, namely

•Barbie (pronounced as Barbay)

•Brittany (pronounced as Brittnay)

•Bridget (pronounced as Bridgayt)

•Betty (pronounced as Bettay)

See? The 4 beautiful bitches!!!

They're pitiful and stupid!!!

"Hey Rain come on Ethan's already waiting " Joshua whispered and I responded with a nod and quickly followed him to the locker room and there stood Barbie with Ethan wrapping his hands around her waist. And kissing her.

"Uh Ehem!!! Some people are wasting their precious TIME to people who aren't doing anything important " Joshua purposely letting them stop..... Whatever they're doing, I Don't Care.

"Right. Why am I wasting my time with people who aren't important!? " he replied, tightening his grip on Barbie's waist.

Joshua looked taken aback but soon regained confidence again and said, "You made it pretty clear that you don't want us messing with you and your personal life "

"Maybe I am" he confirmed. I saw Barbie smirk and to my surprise he grinned from ear to ear.

Sh*tfaced f*ckt*rds.

"Well now that you've confirmed that what he said is true I guess we'll go now" I reassured while grabbing Joshua's arm.

"Good I hope I won't see your face ever again" he shot back.

I continuously dragged Joshua until he was out of my sight.

Wow it really hurts, especially when your bestfriend who you used to like ignores you just like THAT.

Hurts right?

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