Camp. Kilig -Pt. 2

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Aria's Point of View :

When I woke up, I unexpectedly found myself in the bed.

That's strange, I could've sworn I was on the floor last night.
I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight.

" Oh your finally awake... Um... and uh... I was kinda the one who carried you on the bed when I found you on the floor. " Ethan informed with a smile when I heard a knock on the door.

"Rain, come on let's go downstairs, breakfast is ready in 5 " Joshua reminded. " By the way, why were you on the floor last night? "

"Ah.... (๑-﹏-๑)"

I can't tell them that they were hugging me and squishing me at the same time.

"You guys were heavy"


Why did I say that??

"Oh really" Sooner then, Joshua and Ethan were both blushing.

"A-ah... E-eh... (╥﹏╥) I didn't mean it that way it's just that you guys were hugging me and mumbling stuff" I barely said above a whisper.

"Well in that case....  (* ̄︶ ̄*) we should sleep with you more often" Ethan playfully suggested.

"Waaaahhhh!!!!! Σ(⊙▽⊙")"

What are they thinking!?!?!

"Shh... Shut up before Alexa thinks we're raping you" Joshua guessed.


" Not funny guys, now let's go downstairs. " I stated.

I got out of the room and ran downstairs. When I checked, they were having trouble cooking something and I'm pretty sure that....  Whatever they're cooking, is burnt.

"Guys I'm pretty sure that it's burnt " I said with a smile and they looked at me pleading for help. Hehehe these guys are hopeless.

"Rain help us cook this chicken " Janelle pleaded with a (╥﹏╥) face.

"Are you sure that's chicken because I swear it looks like a nigga that had another tan. " I joked but soon approached them.

"First you need to coat it with seasonings but not that much, just enough, then you pop it in the oven and bake it until it's golden brown then take it out. " I say while demonstrating as so I think I waited 15 minutes to take it out.

Hah and they said breakfast will be served in 5 minutes.

(A/N: I dunno this recipe I just figured it out)

They nodded and followed my steps then they made the perfect batch of chicken. It looks delicious. They made about 13 chickens I know it's a lot but they're more like Hunger Beasts if Ya ask me. So all in all we're 6 people.

Janelle, Ate Alexa and I cut 1 chicken to nugget sizes then tasted it.

"Perfection!!!  You are the best ARI!!! " and they engulfed me in a hug.

We placed the chicken on 2 plates and put them on the table.

"Oh My Guitar what's that smell? " Kuya Justin asked while running down the stairs.

"Chicken? " Janelle answered awkwardly in a way.

"Man, Janelle you need to cook more" he suggested.

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