Protector Dominic(2)

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Dominic takes lead with the tracking device. Alex and Joshua flank him, Kathy and Jasmine follow behind, and the rear is brought up by Zed, Polly, and Jenny. He keep the team on track, but pulling ahead of everybody by being the fastest out of them all. Joshua keeps up with Dominic easily some how, and Dominic watch him out of the corner of my eye.

'How is he keeping up with me? I'm the fastest protector there is!'

The tracking device beeps, and Dominic stops. Everyone stops a step after him.

"She's close." He looks at Alex.

"Right. Jenny, Jasmine," Both girls look at Alex, "go with Dominic to scope out her position. Zed, Polly, Kathy," she hesitates when she looks at Joshua. "and Joshua will stay with me." Everyone nods but Joshua.

Dominic leads Jenny and Jasmine with the tracker in hands. He hears Alex talking, but her voice is lost over the wind and with distance. He keeps running, leading the two to a line of trees. He stops and points. They nod and all three climb one tree, stopping in the middle to spy on the people below them.

"Why did you come straight here!?" A woman's voice comes. "You were to get that removed!" Dominic tries to see the face of the woman speaking.

"I'm sorry Angel, I was scared when no one was there like you promised..." Rouge-Protector Regen rubs her arm. "I came here..."

"We need to get it removed before they send a team after us." The woman says, her voice calmer and sweeter. "Hurry."

Jenny pulls her scope and her voice comes over a radio Dominic didn't realize they had.

"Targets in range, what do we do?" She asks.

"Jasmine, Jenny," he says, "watch her as i contact Alex." He messes with the radio. "Alex? Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear. What's the status?"

"We have target in sight, she's with another woman. Do we kill the woman?"

"No. We are not to kill anyone, we'll bring her into questioning."

"Roger on that." Jenny tunes in. "I can knock em both out right now."

"Negative on that Sniper." Joshua's voice comes, shocking Dominic. "Follow them to see if there are anymore Rogue Protectors in the area."

"Yea. Do that." Alex says, clearly annoyed that the Healer made an order. "We'll be there shortly, follow them without being seen. Understood?"

"Roger, roger." Dominic says.

He looks at both girls, then they all jump as one to the next trees as the two woman walk away. They both pick up at a run and Dominic keeps up easily while the girls fall behind. He keeps them in view, but stays a few feet behind in the trees. He can tell the woman named Angel is being weary, and watching for any sign of a Team of Protectors.

'Could she be a Rouge-Protector too?'

As if the woman heard his thoughts, she stops and looks straight at him. He stops, looking at a to familiar face. She registers shock, then grabs Regan's arm and runs as fast as she can. Dominic just stands there, unable to process what he just saw.

"Dominic?" Alex's voice comes to him. He looks at her face. "Are you okay? What happened?" He doesn't answer just as the tracker in his hand loses it's signal.

"Come on, we need to get back to HQ."

She grabs his arm and leads him away. The rest of the Team is waiting for them as they arrive.

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