Chapter 1

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My mouth dropped. I didn't know how to respond. This couldn't have been real. Things like this don't happen to a small town girl like me.

It all started on the breezy night of October. My mum went to bed about and hour ago because she had an early work shift in the morning. I on the other hand was on my laptop listening to The Beatles and checking my twitter.

As I scrolled through my feed one tweet stood out. The word omegle caught my eye and I decided to try it out. As I typed in the website on the site bar, I stopped to think about all the perverts who were probably on. I would never do anything crazy like flash but it would just be fun right?

I got onto the site and waited for a video to start. It finally came on and I saw a man around his 40's, bald and had a quite a large gut. He smiled and I immediately felt his eyes burn through the camera as he stared at me. He started typing and I waited nervously for his reply.

"Hello beautiful. You make me horny, let's trade nudes" he said.

I felt disgusted and gave him the finger. I went to the next video and a kid around 12 years of age came on showing me his private area. This kid looked like a child why is he on a site like this?! I ended the conversation and thought about going to bed since it was already 11:30 but something told me one more video won't hurt.

I clicked next and saw a dark room. I was a bit confused till the stranger said "Hold on, let me go into the light". I waited and stretched over my bed to grab my phone. I checked to make sure my alarm was on for the morning because I had school.

I looked up and saw his face. I've seen that face a million times to know it was really him. I've drooled and cried nights for this one Australian boy to know my existence and now here he was sitting on a bed wearing nothing but boxer shorts. No shirt just shorts. I don't know if I was drooling or not but I know I was staring and I bet he noticed my eyes burning through the computer.

"Hi love" He said

I couldn't speak. My mouth was dry and there was a lump in my throat. "Speak dumby" I thought to myself but nothing came out. My mouth opened but only air came out. My idol is sitting right in front of me and I'm frozen.

I finally choke out the word "Hi" and he smiles. Luke Hemmings just smiled at me.

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