Chapter Four

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I looked around nervously, eyeing the people with streaks of color through their hair, metal piercings on their face, and ink drawings on their body , swaying, drinking, and smoking I the atmosphere . It was an unhealthy environment to breathe, and I don't recall the last party I went to be nearly as toxic as this one.

"The good stuff is outside.." Bethany shouts,'pulling us towards the open clear back doors. We were all linked together by arms, in a line, pushing our way through te crowded people that angrily an rudely glared at us for accidents touching them.

It was true though, the best drinks were outside, and that was obvious by the wobbling people, and tropical drinks being prepared at the bar. Wow, this place had a bar.. and a mixologist .

"I'm gonna go get this party started b ordering a few drinks.. anyone want any?" Cheryl pulled her wallet for under her arm and walked backwards towards the bartender.

"Me too." Bethany and Lillian spoke simpfaniously, bouncing up and down on the heels of their shoes like giddy five year old girls.

"Just a beer, please." My stomach was churning since I hadn't eaten since this morning, and alcohol was probably not the best option. Sitting upon a random, area of grass, I took in a nice look at the place we were out. I don't even believe I knew the host of the party, and who the house belongs to.

It was actualy kind of dark out, the only lit coming from the house or lights placed on the patio or buried in the grass. Some were even in the pool that people (few naked) swam in.  My weyelids felt like they wanted to close completely, but I kept them open, trying to refocus on some nonsense occurring in front of me.

"Here's your beer, beautiful." Lillian was drinking from a red cup, drwoing her drink like it was water and she was the damn desert. Bethany frowned at her red cup, sticking her tongue out in disgust, while as Cherly took small 'lady like' sips as she called them. Amogst my friends, in that moment, I realized how weird we'd actually seem to real people around us.

I simply popped the blue cap off the brown bottle with my teeth, taking in a nice mouthful of beer. Which I happened to love, just as much as I love vodka. "We should go dance or something.." Lillian has been eyeing the glowing floor for ten seconds now, and I had a small feeling she had her eyes on the single guy drinking, and smoking near the dancing people. He didn't even look interested in participating, only watching. "No one? K, see you around." And she pounced, holding her drink high in her left hand and wasting over to the guy.

"Lets go, I promised Mark I'd meet him here a few minutes ago.." Cheryl tugged Beth and my arm up, the rim of her cup cluthes tightly between her teeth. "Actually, I rather stay here and watch nudists swim in the pool." Which wasn't entirely true. I just didn't feel like socializing with anyone here tonight.


Why am I here again?

I repeatedly questioned myself, as I drowned down my second bottle of beer, watching my three friends grind on one another endlessly. Its been two hours, and they were all drunk as hell.  They were clearly the attention grabbers of the night, guys swarming and attracting to them like mosquitos to light. Their hips swayed, and they were like a dirty dancing train, guys whistling, and girls filled with envy as they snottily whispered rude words to their friends.

I was sitting here, in my best dress and heels, legs crossed, propped in a chair at this bar, drinking beer. While everyone was on the dance floor or in the backyard, I was alone. At the bar. Drinking. Like a loner. I watched in complete concentration, as Cherly flipped her hair to her right, and winked at some guy with shaggy blonde hair that was paying no attention ti his girlfriend or date. Lillian, squihed in the middle had her hands glued to Cheryl's hipsthrusting her crotch forward,  her eyes closed, and lips curled into a confident smile at the whistles the guys threw at them like no tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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