Chapter One

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"WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! NO TIME FOR LOSERS... CAUSE WE.. ARE.. THE.. CHAMPIONS!" Off beat voices sang, in a round of chaos, as the people on the bleachers cheered in excitement. The final season of soccer was over, and summer was just approaching only meaning few things.

1. M glamorous boyfriend, Cameron, was all mine for the next three months. No, intertupptions.. no early practice.. just him and me.

2. No school. Graduation was in two days, and after that, no more homework, dumbass people, or boring teachers.

3. I have exactly three months before college to do whatever I want without my mother knowing.

Oh I can't wait!

A whistle was blown, just as black and white ball swirled directly into the guarded net, missing the goalie just by a few seconds. The crowd broke out in an abnormally loud volume of screaming, clapping, and tears, watching the soccer team in blue and white dance around in their mud stained uniforms. The stars were shining brightly in the dark, black sky, only letting the field lights show on the grassy field. The numbers on the score board changed, showing the home team with the final number of 25, and the opssosing team with a 24.

The Manhattan soccer team darted across the recently rained on meadow, some slipping nad falling on their clothes, and other making their way to the bleachers, hugging the people cheering for them. At the very, very top, I waited patiently, for Cameron to come meet me, not even worrying about the people that were locking tongues around me. "Autumn!" His hoarse voice shot from behind me, and I fekt his sudden, unexpected, dirty arms, wrap around my small wasit, tugging me up from the metal chairs. "Hmm, you were so amazing!" Cameron spun me easily in his grasp, his face so very close to mine, I could smell the sweat on his forehead, and the exhaustion in his body. His blonde hair tickled at my eyes, his nose rubbing on mine, and my legs pulling my boyfriend closer ot my body.

"I just wanted to impress you. You're the only one I think about there on that field, you know that? You are the highlight of my future career." He mumbled, breathing heavily in my mouth, my hands carrressing his flushed face, and my lips lightly pressing to his, pulling away when I tasted salt. "You need a shower. You smell like the fucking ocean." I remarked warmly, kiss his neck instead.

The bleachers had cleared in the time being of celebration, the only people left were the company of t eh teams players. small pellets of rain had started to fall, hitting my hair and falling down my arms. A few caught in Cameron's eyes, and he squinted tightly, laughing. "I'll take you out, just give me a second to change.." Interlocking out hands, I was led down the dangerous steps, heading for the locker rooms tat luminated steam from the active hot shower.

"I'll be quick." Cam announced loudly, dropping his humid hoodie on the floor by my feet and disappearing inside the door. I was standing outside the  showers I believe, arms crossed over my chest, body leaning against the wall, legs crossed, eyes closed, and my head mentally humming to some song picked at random. It was one of the those peaceful things I did to pass time.

A few guys emerged from the showers doors, most had just finished, and had glistening wet chests, with a cloud color towel wrapped around their waist. None acknowledged me though, since they were all goofing off and laughing like complete fools. The steam had started to get the best of me, so I moved over to the locker room door, deciding against sitting on the rusty bench.

Hurry up Cameron!

The door was opened and closed a few times, but everyone just kept walking along, some giving me a small wink or a head nod. "Are you lost?" An unknown, intruding voice pierced sharply through my mind, causing my eyes to open, and my lips to part in confusion. The guy wasn't Cameron, that's for sure. His voice was too deep. "Excuse me?" I called back into the empty hall. I couldn't see anyone out here except the guys who had just exited the building. It was nothing but darkness in the hall, the only light coming from the locker room.

"I said.." A guy appeared from behind another wall, head down, hands behind his back, and walking slowly came over to my side. "... are you lost?" He repeated his question once more, not even bothering to turn his head over to my sight. Now, this is strange..

"No, just waiting for my someone.." I couldn't help but double check to see if that were the right words to say. He could be a kidnapper for all I know, and I didn't want him to think I was here alone.

"Oh, alright then. What's your name babe?" I glimpsed over to my right, taking in his brown hair that was revealed in the light, and a large dimple on his cheek. The guy was wearing a white t-shirt, I think, and jeans, not sure of the color. "Autumn.. yours?"

"That's none of your concern babe, trust me. Who are you waiting for?" Just as the words tumbled from his lips, the locker room door opened, and Cameron came out, dressed fully in a white under shirt and blue basketball shorts. He looked at me with a small smile, and then noticed the guy standing next to me, frowning. "Oh no, not this again. Get away from my girlfriend, Styles." Cam barked angrily, grabbing a harsh hold on the guys arm and pulling up against another wall. "I was just trying to figure out who she was and why she was here.. no harm done." He held both his hands up in surrender, pretending to pout from Cameron's false auctions. His head was still bowed, but I could see the playful smile on his lips.

"That doesn't concern you and you know it. If you think.. that she'll do want they did.. you're wrong."

"I wasn't doing anything wrong mate. Calm down already, come one, I was just concerned that a random girl was in the locker room building. I had no other intentions." He was lying straight through his teeth. I could hear the chucke he was trying to restrain, and the way his body shook slightly was proof of that. I felt Cameron's arm tighten around my waist protectively, not taking his eyes off of the guy for even a split second. "Go, Styles, really. And don't... even think about talking to her again, or I will beat the living shit out of you." Cam threatened, not even backing off the guy. He seemed to get the message though, walking down the dark hallway. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, only staring at the thing that stood out in the dark, his white converse.

"Who the hell was that?" My voice shook with fear, which is why Cameron held me tighter against his body, pushing my  head to his shoulder. "No one important. Where do you want to go to eat?" And we started walking down the hallway.

But I couldn't stop thinking about the guy.. and the tension that was there when Cameron came. Who the hell is he?

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