Slutty Shirts and Finding Dory

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Sasha's POV

Group chat: Kate, Ashley

Kate: OMG is it true???

Ashley: ANSWER US!!

Ashley: Please please please!!! We need to know if it's true.

Me: And good morning to you too.

Kate: Ughhh


Me: Spit what out?

Ashley: Is there anything we should know...

Kate: About your dating life???

Me: Oh, that!

Me: I kinda maybe sorta have a boyfriend...?

Kate: IT'S TRUE?!

Ashley: YAY! Is it who I think it is?


Kate: Ahhhhhh


Me: Let's go downtown and I'll give y'all details ;)


Ashley: Hey that's what I was gonna say!

I drive downtown, and meet Kate and Ashley at Panera Bread, our main hangout place. We all share a broccoli cheddar soup in a bread bowl, and a packet of chips. After we find a table and get settled, I'm bombarded with questions.

"Hold up! One at a time!" I demand, laughing at my girlfriends' eager faces. There's nothing quite like hot gossip, if I do say so myself.

I finally get out the whole story, and it takes longer than expected because of the interruptions for squeals and group hugs. We decide to go to our next favorite place, urban outfitters.

"I don't know which shirt to get!" I complain, studying myself in the dressing room's mirror. The shirt I'm trying on right now is a tank top with a plunging v-neck in both the front and the back, and it's a super pretty pale blue. The shirt that I've just taken off is a short-sleeved t-shirt. It's gray, and laces up in the front.

"Hm... Neither." Kate responds.

"I agree. We need to get you a slutty shirt." Ashley adds, winking at me. "For when you kiss."

"Please don't make it too bad!" I beg, while my best friends leave the dressing room. I wonder if David can't stop thinking about me, the way I can't stop thinking about him. His lips are really soft-looking, and a little pouty. They draw me in, and i can't stop staring at them once I start.

"Earth to Sasha!" An arm waves in my face. An arm that connects to Ashley, who is smirking at me. "Thinking about your boy toy?"

"Ew no! Don't call him that! But yes, I am." I finish with a giggle.

"You two are so adorable!" Kate adds. "Now, stop thinking about him, and let's focus on what's important. Your soon-to-be new slutty shirt." she sticks her tongue out at me before throwing a shirt at me and slamming the dressing room door.

"Could you be any more patient?" I ask sarcastically, laughing at my two favorite idiots.

"NO!" They both shout back at me, making me laugh again. I quickly take off the halter top and put on the "slutty shirt" before looking at myself in the mirror. I gasp in surprise.

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