Chapter 4: A dark Place

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Ace called the cops and they came to look for signs of forced entry, they found the door easily. 

"Listen, i'll poke around a bit, but I have to let you know that these cases usually end up unsolved." The police officer told him.

"You don't understand, you have to find her, she's not like us, she doesn't understand the world, she doesn't know that the world can be a bad place. Officer, i'm begging you to find her." Ace pleaded

"I'll do what I can," The officer responded.

The officer left, Ace was left alone, he dropped down to his knees. For the first time, he felt helpless, alone, afraid. He no longer had anyone, he was gone, no one knew him anymore, he took out his cell phone and went to his contacts and called Bill.

"Bill, it's time, protocol 51." Ace said quietly

"Okay, you still remember the spot?" Bill responded.

"Yes, I remember." Ace responded.

Ace hung up and went out to his car. He was going to find who did this. And make sure that they never did this to anyone ever again.

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