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I woke up with an arm snaked around my waist, they were leaving a warm feeling over my hips. My eyes squinted to the all familiar teal room, posters plastered all over the walls.

I blushed at the warm breath hitting my neck, tracing small circles on my stomach. "Morning baby," A small and feminine voice smiled. I turned my body around to face the small figure, her eyes were a deep brown and she had long, cascading blonde hair flowing just above her belly button.

"Morning Jay," I said, huskily.

"How's my kitten?" I felt my stomach drop, as Jay peppered kisses on my chest.

It felt..it felt..


Wrong in the sense that it wasn't meant to happen. Wrong in the sense that I wasn't attracted to her, her face, her personality. I pulled my phone from her tattered bedside table, it was painted white, but the paint was flaking off.

8:15 a.m.

"Shit," I hopped out of the bed and pulled my boxers back on, before throwing my battered t-shirt over my slim figure. "I really need to go, Jay. I'm going to be late," I frantically pulled my trousers up to my waist and threw a beanie on after, not bothering to look at my hair in my phones reflection.

"Can't you just skip college?" The girl was hiding her boobs with her blanket, begging me to stay.

"N-No, not after I got into a fight with Ash the other day." I grew my bag over my shoulder, as my heart was beating. "Look, I'll call you when I get out."

"I love you, have a good day." Jay smiled, I smiled back.


- - - - -

I tapped my pen on my paper, eyeing up the words I had written down on my paper, they never made sense.

I couldn't get Jay's 'I love you' out of my head, it was spinning around and repeating itself. She had never said it before, and I couldn't bring myself to respond properly.

Because I didn't love her.

I didn't love they way she spoke to me, or the way she looked at me in adoration. I didn't love the way she made me feel, I felt almost guilty for lying about my feelings.

I didn't like her boobs, or her face, or the way she thought. I never found myself checking her out when she walked, or how her chest moved when she would work out - in the least creepy way.

I just wasn't in love with her, I wasn't in love with the feeling she gave me when we had sex or when we kissed. I wasn't in love with how she would send me soppy texts or call me at 3 a.m., I wasn't in love with how she would pepper kisses all over my chest and face.


"Huh? Sorry," I jumped in my seat a little as I stared into the figures like blue eyes.

"Have you finished your essay? We have..7 minutes left," Luke advised, looking at his phone and taking his earphone out of his ear. I smiled and shook my head, "You've written..like 8 lines," Luke laughed, "And one of those lines is just your name written in different styles."

"I've just got a lot on my mind dude," I sighed.

baby, are you coming over tonight? your baby jay xxx

My eyes rolled and my heart raced at the sight of Jay's name, my eyes sting with guilt. "Who's Jay, Mikey?" Luke teased. I quickly locked my phone as my eyes daggered towards Luke. Somehow, his cheeks were pinker and his eyes were clearer than I've ever seen them, he had removed his lip ring..he looked good - to say the least. "Is she your girlfriend? Show me a picture," I was shaking as I unlocked my phone, pulling up a picture of Jay and I that she had sent me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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