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I woke up to an odd vibration on my chest, I felt around and scratched my chest. An itch, in the form of my shitty iPhone, with broken glass and scratched edges.

7:05 a.m.

"The fuck?" I squinted as I looked at the shattered mobile, and in my blurry vision saw a picture of my best friend, Luke. His hair was in a quiff, and he was clad in black.

"Luke, do you know what time it is?" I nestled down into my bed, pulling my covers over my head and putting my hand on my chest.

"It's just gone 7, why?"

"Are we really going to have a repeat of Monday?" I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"We have music again today, do you know what that means, Ash?" Luke fretted, you could hear his breathing quickening.

"We're gonna see Michael."

"Who gives a shit Luke, he's an asshole, he got what was coming to him. He couldn't take a joke," I threw my blankets off myself, exposing my topless body to the cold air.

"He thinks we're gay, Ash."

"Is that what you're worried about? Him thinking your gay?" I sat at the foot of my bed, observing my room. There were cigarette butts on my dresser table, a lighter on my floor and filters spewed around the room. I walked to my wardrobe and eyed up my clothes, deciding what to wear on my third ever day of college.


"Then what are you so afraid of?"

Luke sighed, taking in a deep breath. "I just don't want you getting hurt, you're lucky you didn't get a suspension for almost breaking the fuckers jaw."

I smiled at Luke's comment, he worried about irrelevant things. Especially me, he didn't need to worry about me. I'm nothing special to worry about. "I'm gonna be fine, Luke. Honest,"

I couldn't see Luke, but I knew he was smiling with his little dimples on the other end of the phone. "Pinky promise?"

I rolled my eyes, and smiled. "Really Luke? We aren't 7 anymore."

"Do you pinky promise?" The younger boy asked, seriously. "Stick out your pinky finger, Irwin."

With Luke's words, I stuck out my pinky finger, "I promise."


"Look, I'll pick you up at half 8. Okay? No earlier, no later."

"Okay, bye Ash." I took the phone away from my ear, before I could hear Luke's deep voice say, "Oh Ash-"


"I love you."

I smiled to myself, as I laid my hands on various different items of clothing. "Ew, gross."

"You're a dick."

"But you love me."

"Whatever," He scoffed, as he hung up the phone.

I scrolled through my wardrobe, looking through t-shirts of all colours, from red to black. In the end,
I picked out a ripped pair of denim jeans and an Iron Maiden tank top, that was laced with holes. I paired it with a red bandana and some black converse.

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