8 ; yellow flicker beat

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(yes i know the song isn't from pure heroine but whateverrr)

"you're coming with me."

troye gasped and grinned happily, preening under connor's annoyed gaze.

"calm down, it's not a big deal," connor grumbled, slapping troye on the shoulder sharply. "get your shoes on and get your dog over here."

"how are we going to get down?" troye questioned softly, pearing out the open window. there was no way he could reach the tree branch any more, much less with a dog cradled in his arms.

"shit," connor cursed under his breath. how could he have forgotten? what the hell would he do now?

he glared at jagga with firey resentment as troye laced up his boots. it was her fault he was standing there instead of running back home in the first place.

"hurry it up," connor sighed impatiently, tapping his foot. "keep up that pace and i'm not taking you anywhere."

"okay!" troye exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and jumping up from the bed. "i'm ready to go," he smiled slightly, a lopsided little thing that showed his teeth. if connor didn't literally hate his guts he might've dared to say it was cute.

connor hiked his bag up on his shoulder and started towards troye's bedroom door, gesturing for him to follow. troye got the hint and whistled for jagga, laughing when she came trotting up beside him.

"i've gotta warn you," connor said slowly, letting his hand linger on the doorknob. "you're not going to be happy with... with the way your house looks, necessarily..."

"what do you mean by that?" troye asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"the others-"

"there were others? who? how many? what's happened?"

"don't get your panties in a twist," connor chided, finally opening the door and letting troye out to the hallway. "they might've taken some things, that's all."

connor stopped when they were both standing outside his bedroom door. he was frozen; in awe of the palace walls around him. because jesus christ, the prince's place was enormous. a magnificent diamond chandelier hung in the entryway, light reflecting through the shards and scattering on the walls. a grand, sweeping staircase led the way to downstairs. every last inch of the marble floor was sparkling and polished, not a spec of dirt to be seen.

"what're you gawking at?" troye asked, already halfway down the stairs.

connor just stood there, dumbfounded at how casual troye could be. was he not aware that he lived in a fucking mansion? connor knew it was called a palace, but he never could've expected this beauty. and surprisingly, there weren't any broken windows or dropped things the gang might've been carrying. it was almost as if they had never been there at all.

the palace was eerily quiet, and somewhat sinister in the night. long, looming corridors stretched out for what looked like miles all around. the ceiling rose high- far too high, it appeared to be the starry dome of the sky itself. the only sound was the little pat pat pat of troye and jagga taking the steps two at a time.

after connor got over the initial shock, he followed troye and stood close to the front doors. now he was faced with yet another problem: how was he going to explain this to kian?

he peered through the peep hole of the tall, dark wood doors, hoping that they had gone back without him already. but alas, there the gang stood: draped in jewels and boas, holding bottles of fine wine and expensive looking vases. kian was at the front of them, impatiently scowling at the doors.

"stay in here for a minute," connor hissed to troye, pushing him to the side of the door.


"no buts! stay here, you hear me? i'll get you in a minute!"

and with that, connor took one last deep breath and opened one door, closing it quickly behind him so troye wouldn't get any smart ideas.

"look what the cat dragged in," kian snarled, stepping up to where connor stood. "well? where is it?"

a collective jeer arose from the surrounding group, and connor shrunk back on himself. the heist should've been completed more than twenty minutes ago. it was his fault, his clumsiness, that had kept him there in front of the palace.

"i-i have the dog," connor stuttered, realising how unprepared he was for this.

"where is it?" they all grumbled again, advancing as a group to crowd around connor.

"i said i have the damn dog!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up. "get back, would you?"

"you've kept us up here long enough, con," kian said. "cut the jokes."

"well..." connor began awkwardly. "i, i mean... i kind of woke up the prince...?"

everyone groaned and sighed, exclaiming things like of-fucking-course you did.

"you've gotta be kidding me," kian muttered, running both hands through his hair. "i can't believe you connor. i honestly can't."

"you're gonna have to," connor said apologetically, turning to open the door again. he called to troye, who stepped out in front of the small crowd.



HEY so basically i have this au idea and im not gonna give too much away but i will say that it'll contain a significant amount of smut

leave specific (non-daddy) requests here??? idk make em reeeal smutty kids

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