1 ; tennis court

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chin up. back straight. sit at the edge of your seat. talk only when others address you. don't trip, never stutter, keep a stiff upper lip, be neat, and don't forget to smile, even if you're scared. in fact, especially when you're scared. this was what life was like for troye mellet. precision and order were natural parts of his being- or he made others believe they were. he had big plans, earger to fulfil them and ready to eliminate anything or anyone who happened to be in his way. well, perhaps they were more his parents' plans; they were the royal family, rulers of their kingdom and oblivious to anything happening outside the walls of their castle. his plans or his parent's wishes, that was how he did things, quick and smoothly. he didn't know any other way.

the problem with troye's life was that it had always been someone else's idea. his father, the king, had made it known to him that he would grow up and rule the kingdom whether he wanted to or not.

his parents dreamed of him rising to power in the city and becoming the prince as well as the leader of the love club- an elite group of young people who were the smartest, strongest, most quick-witted and charismatic people around. troye had been born into qualification for the club, so had no choice. it was what he expected: quiet, clean shaven boys in nice suits drinking tea and making small talk with the ladies, pretty girls with nice makeup dancing and keeping their mouths shut. it's only natural for the girls to stay so quiet, troye thought one day. it's just what they know. troye suspected no body really knew much around here. troye wished he could make small talk with the boys instead, as girls didn't quite suit his fancy, but that's just not the way things were done. and bad things could happen if you didn't do things the way things were done.

while everything was kind smiles and ironed shirts and modest dresses on the surface, troye knew there had to be so much more. something much more sinister. members would go missing one day without warning or explanation, and would never come back. it was never addressed. he and his good friend in the club, hannah, had tried to discuss it once after hannah's friend, ingrid, had gone missing. hannah was crying, and troye was sad, too. maybe, he thought. maybe hannah liked ingrid the way i like boys. he couldn't let anyone know. he and hannah both would be in big trouble.

there hadn't been a day of his life where he hadn't been woken up with breakfast in bed, and he'll never live to see the day he has to do his own laundry. he never asked for any of it, he just knew it's what was supposed to happen.

it wasn't just his parents, it was his friends, too. he had once had a best friend named tyler, but after troye had told him about his crush on him, he turned away. they still saw each other in passing almost every day at the club, but troye's longing glaces were only met with disapproving glares on tyler's part. and, being the new most powerful child of the new most powerful family, people were racing to get to know him. girls got into fights for his friendship, boys made hostile threats to each other. troye just wished it would stop, all of it.

there was nothing he could do about it now, the throne was just out of reach. soon enough, he would be sitting there with a crown upon his head. very soon, in fact; his eighteenth birthday was just the next day.


hello my dears !!! i'm so excited to start this again! so many of you loved it and now i actually have time to write it ♡

- lindsey

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