Chapter 3

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The next morning I arrived at work and started my duty of washing dishes. My job was a dishwasher in the elementary school cafeteria. While I worked I was thinking all about what I read in the new dragon defenders novel. Near the end of the novel, all five of the good dragons were gathered together. Neptune talked about a prophecy of a chosen one known as the dragonboy. A half human half dragon that would bring peace between the good dragons and the shadow dragon. Until then, they would both continue to fight. 

For once I was intrigued. I thought all the prophecies spoken of throughout the novels were boring. But this one caught my interest. I just couldn't wait for the next novel to come out. 

"Hey Ezekiel!". 

I spun around to see my boss walking towards me. "What's up, boss?".

"Since there aren't a lot of dishes today, I want you to be substitute coach for the 3rd grade dodgeball team". 

I wanted to protest because I was not good at coaching sports, but I didn't want to get fired. So I just nodded my head. "Okay boss. You got it"

I went to the dodgeball field. I stood at the end of the field. The team I was coaching all threw balls at the other team, trying to get each other out of the game. I hated coaching dodgeball because sometimes balls would accidentally fly in my direction. I had a fear of flying projectiles. I ducked low to the ground as balls flew over my head. I stood back up. As another ball flew at my lower body this time, I found myself jumping up to avoid it. But I did more than jump. I ended up flying! 

I panicked as I tried to control my flight, but I ended up crashing into a tree, dangling from the branch. The kids looked at me and smiled and started laughing. Not at me, but with me. 

"Haha how'd you do that? That was cool, coach!"

"Cool...right. Can someone help me down?"

After some school staff helped me down from the tree, I got to eat lunch. The staff was asking me how I got up there. I told the honest truth which was that I flew. They didn't want to believe me, but they couldn't think of an alternate explanation. I casually blew on my chicken lunch, trying to cool it down. Only for a small flame to be breathed out on the chicken, roasting it even more. Everyone was looking at me weird. "Oh well, I guess I'll have roasted chicken then.". I picked up the cutting knife to cut the chicken into pieces. But then clumsy me let the knife slip and it cut the palm of my hand. 


I looked at the palm of my hand where I cut myself. What was coming out my hand? It wasn't red human blood. It was an unusual color. Once more, everyone looked at me like I was a freak. 

"Um...I need to use the restroom" I said as I got up and went there. Oh man, I had no idea I had fire breath and unusual blood. But why? I felt so embarrassed. The restroom is where I normally hide out after making a fool of myself. 

I washed my hands and took care of my cut using the first aid kit. Then I looked at myself in the mirror. When I did, I noticed that my eyes weren't normal either. They were an unusual shape. an unusual color too. They weren't ordinary human eyes, but something else. 

"What's happening? I never noticed all this...maybe it was something I ate. Or maybe this is all a bad dream...". 

After my shift was over, I decided to drive to the beach nearby town. Maybe a swim will help me get my mind off things for a while. I put on sunscreen and wore my favorite full body swimsuit and a snorkel. I slowly walked into the water. It felt cold at first but I got used to it. I liked to swim in the deep part of the ocean. I felt something tickle my leg. Seaweed? Another swimmer? I looked underwater to find nothing. That was weird. I kept on swimming and exploring the deep part of the ocean, exploring whatever reefs and underwater areas I could find. I felt another brush on my leg. I looked behind me. Still nothing. What was brushing my leg? I felt a little scared. I decided to swim back to shore. But before I could, something was rising up to the surface behind me. Something huge! As it rose up, I could see that it looked like a giant octopus! 

At that point, I froze in fear. I had never seen such a giant creature in my life! I frantically tried to swim to shore, desperate to get away from it! 

"HELP! SEA MONSTER!" I cried out in desperation as I swam hard. My arms and legs got tired but I had to keep going. But I wasn't fast enough. The sea monster grabbed me with its tentacles and lifted me high above the water! I was face to face with it! I guess this is it, I thought. I never thought I'd die young by a sea monster. The sea monster squeezed me tighter and tighter and I felt my life flash before my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut as the sea monster would eventually choke me to death and then devour me...

But suddenly, I heard what sounded like a loud roar. Unlike any roar I had ever heard. I tensed up and shivered. "Who's there?!" I called out in the direction of the roar. A beam of white light struck the sea monster and the sea monster screeched and lost grip of me. I started to fall down towards the water, only to land on the back of a blue dragon. He looked so familiar...

He turned his neck to look at me. 

"I've got you, young dragonboy! Don't be afraid!". 

Young dragonboy? Is that what he called me? I stared at the blue dragon in awe. I had never seen a real live dragon before. And here he was...saving my life. I examined him some more as I looked back at him face to face. It couldn't be. "Y-you're...real?!". 

"Yes, I am real. I am Neptune. Water dragon of the Dragon Defenders! Good thing I always hang by the ocean! I'm here to save you from that sea monster!" Neptune said as he dodged the sea monster's tentacles. "Let's tie this sea monster in a knot!".

"How? I'm scared! He's so big and scary and his tentacles are so long!" I clung onto Neptune's neck and shook in fear. I felt like a little scared child again. 

"I'm a fast flyer! And I can manipulate the water! Do you trust me?" Neptune looked at me again. 

" can I not trust a dragon?" I answered back.

Neptune flew around, over, and under the sea monster. The monster chased us using its tentacles. Neptune flew and maneuvered professionally, dodging the tentacles, making sure not to get caught in the sea monster's grasp. Then Neptune flew upwards, out of reach of the sea monster. The sea monster screeched when realizing it had tied itself with its own tentacles. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. 

"Haha, look! He tied himself into a knot after all!"

"See? I knew you could trust me. Not so scary after all is he?" Neptune laughed in return.

Then Neptune stared down at the water, very focused. I wondered what he was going to do next. He flapped his wings down towards the ocean hard. As he flapped his wings, a whirlpool formed around the sea monster! Getting bigger and bigger! It got big enough to swallow the sea monster! The sea monster spun down into the whirlpool, screeching in horror as it got sucked down. 

"Bye bye sea monster. He's flushed down to the abyss. Now to get you to dry land."

"O-okay..." I stuttered nervously. I couldn't believe what I saw. I was so scared but this had to be the best day ever! Me, being saved by a dragon from a giant sea monster! I couldn't believe my eyes! But how was it all possible? Neptune landed gently on an island and I slid down his tail and landed gently on the sand. Neptune looked at me and handed me a crystal necklace with a scroll on it. "You are needed, young dragonboy. But first, seek the others. Then you will know where to find us". 

I wanted to ask more questions, but Neptune took off and flew away. As he usually would do. I truly had so many questions that I wish I had the answers to. I looked up to see a police helicopter above me, lowering a ladder. 

"Get on the helicopter, boy! You're not in trouble! We saw the whole thing and we just want a police report!"

I looked up and nodded silently as I climbed the ladder up to the helicopter. It was time to tell them everything...

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