Chapter 2

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"Ezekiel! Stop reading comic books in the dark! You're going to ruin your eyes!". 

The sharp claws were actually my Mom's fingernails digging into my clothes. I don't know why she gets such long fingernails. I'll never understand mothers. "Sorry mom. I'll turn the lights on. Can you please get out? I was just getting to the good part!" I sighed at her. 

"Your dad is home from his mission trip! Will you stop being sucked in those comics for just once and come have dinner with your father?"

I looked disappointed. I really didn't want to stop reading this novel. But it's always family time whenever Dad gets home. "Okay. i'll be right down."

We all sat at the table. Mom had cooked Dad's favorite ham for dinner as a welcome home present. He had just returned from a mission trip to Cambodia. While my dad was telling his wild and crazy stories about his trip, I was eating big bites of ham. More than I could chew. 

"Ezekiel, will you ever stop eating like that? You'll choke one of these days!". 

"Mom knock it off! I don't know why, but I can eat more than I can fit in my mouth without a problem!".

That was a big mistake. Mom hates it when I talk back to her. 

"Ughhhhh!! Just PLEASE for my sake, eat like a normal human being instead of eating like a dragon!". 

"Okay, sheesh!"

I really wanted to answer back once more, but this time I didn't say anything. I really didn't want to risk having my graphic novels taken away. When dad finished his story, I asked him a question. 

"Dad, dad! Did you see any dragons on your trip?"

Dad looked at me with a dissatisfied look, but then suddenly grinned. "Sure. I saw plenty of bearded dragons and komodo dragons" Dad laughed. 

"Dad, those aren't dragons! Not like the ones in my novels!" I answered back. Mom laughed too. "You're just used to your dad playing along with your dragon fantasies!". 

"But Mom, what if they are real? You never know right?"

"Ezekiel, dragons are fantasy creatures. Nothing more. Everyone knows that dragons don't exist. They only exist in legends and stories. Let's keep it that way...I don't want a real dragon coming after me anyway" she had a scared look as she shuddered. Neither of my parents were really fond of dragons. But they know I have a love for dragons and they tolerate it the best they can. 

After dinner was finally over I went back upstairs. It felt like hours. Hours I could have spent finishing the new novel of the Dragon Defenders. I put on my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and turned the lights off in my room. I acted casual so that my parents wouldn't get suspicious. It was a work night, but I really wanted to finish the novel. I used a flashlight that I kept hidden in my room and shined the light on the pages as I read casually in bed. Tomorrow was going to be a normal least...that's what I thought.

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