Chapter Fifty-Three || A Fishman Island Surprise

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Atami POV

"Dawn Island? Isn't that back in the Grand Line?"


"I don't know Atami-yoi. Its kinda far."

"I can get us there! No problems what so ever!"

"Still." I start pouting which he totally ignored & walked away. I wrap my arms around his waist & let him drag me around

"Pleeeaaassseee~~!!" the others around chuckled at my tactics & I noticed that Marco was blushing & Thatch was jealous "I'll do everything for a year!!!"

"Your acting so much like Ace-yoi, fine! you win!"



"Thank you so much!" I kiss his cheek & run over to the railing, I saw that Ace threw something & I caught it. It was a Eternal Pose to Dawn Island

"See ya there Atami!"

"Of course!" with that, the Sunny had blasted away

"I don't see how we're gonna get there Atami-yoi."

"Luffy & Ace are [say] flying there, Sabo is sailing there but we're getting there by going underwater."


"Underwater!" I nudge my head to the water & Opal nodded, she jumped over the railings & I smirk. I clench my hands together & take a deep breath, I raise my hands slowly & a bubble like force field appeared around the Moby Dick. Two arms of water pulled the ship gently into the water, & with that we were traveling underwater

"Is this how you used to travel Atami?"

"Yes yes, me & Opal."

"Where is Opal by the way?" I hummed & turned around with me facing a giant eye, the others screamed while I laugh

"There she is, hey Opal!" she grinned & moved away, swimming above the ship then under it "You forgot that she could turn into a Sea King?" they nodded


"We've mostly seen her in her human form..."


"Who's hungry!?"

"I AM!!"

"We just ate a hour ago."

"I can eat a lot remember!" they sigh "Opal! get in here! we're eating now!" she nodded with a smile forming, she jumped through the bubble as she was turning into her human form "LETS EAT!!" everyone shook their heads as we entered the dining room & started eating. I tore into a piece of meat... then fell asleep... ate meat... fell asleep... then ate more meat, that's when Marco slapped me

"Stay awake women-yoi!" with that I was asleep

Thatch POV

I chuckle when I see her face first in her food & her right arm still up with a fork in her hand. I had a little idea in my head so I slowly slid my hand towards her food. I saw that her hand was wobbly & as my hand was a few centimeters away she slammed her fist down on the table, which made me laugh

"You shouldn't tease her Thatch, you know what she'll do when someone touches her food."

"I know, I just find it cute." Opal chuckled

"I'm glad that she fell in love with someone like you. I know that you'll be there for her when she needs it." I nod

"I'll always be there." with that, she woke up with food sticking to her face

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