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(Amila in the media And it's Me-La not My-La. So I would be Amela but with am I)


I got home and sat down on the couch and my Dad called everyone downstairs.

Brandon: I want to see and now.

Nicki: Me 2.

August: Not as much as me can you believe she didn't let me pay.

I laughed and took my blows off holding it in front of my boobs and turned to them It said.

🎶Cause I found the light the light at the end of the tunnel. That's why I kept my head high instead of selling my faith sitting here wishing I would die living in hell on earth.... I can't hold back theses tears let me cry.. They say a man ain't suppose to Ima let the song cry.. I'm a let the soul cry though these words. 🎶 August Alsina.

I turned around and saw that he was crying and Brandon was just looking so was mom.

April: Dad.

August: I'm fine I just got something in my eye.

April: Its ok to cry just let me know what you think.

August: I don't even know I'm just so happy I didn't sell my faith and kept my head held high cause then I wouldn't have such wonderful kids and a wife I mean I love you both and I love my wife I love my family. And I'm happy life did get better and it just keeps getting better.

Everyone was now crying and everybody was pulled into a group hug for a while....

We we did pull away me and dad had a long hug with just the both of us crying after I put my blows back on .

April: my next one would me be on my birthday August 31 I'm doing that for my uncle mel.

August: That's nice sweetie.

April: Well I'm gonna go post a video about my hair and then get some sleep for my shoot tomorrow at 8.

Nicki: I'll wake you if you wake late.

April: Thanks mom goodnight guys.

Everyone said goodnight and then I went up to my room and fixed my hair cause it was kind of fuzzy. I brushed it down and then used my lop top to make the video.

Hey guys it yo girl April. I'm gonna explain my gold or honey blond which ever color it is hair and then talk about the surprise I had for my family today.

Ok so I went to the mall Saturday and I went into this hair store an I've wanted to color my hair for the longest and my mom said I could but I also didn't want to color my hair and I know some of y'all thought it was my hair but it's not it's weave 100% Brazilian

Ok so for my surprise.. I've always and I mean always wanted a tattoo. So last night my dad took me to get one but he didn't know what I was getting so when it was time for me to get it I didn't let him come with me he stayed while I got it done.

So what I got was some of his song lyrics on the back part of my upper shoulder coming straight down I did a mixture of hell on earth and song cry. I didn't show anyone in my family until I got home so when I did everyone was quite so when I turned around he was crying well he said he had something in his eye but he was crying.

Daddy Princess August Alsina /Lucas Cole Love Story. Where stories live. Discover now