Chapter 9

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09:48 AM

Shelby opens her eyes from the deep sleep she fell in when she noticed that a well known busy street had turned into a country side. She looked up and the first thing she sees are a pair of legs dangling from the roof of the circle room she was in from her last experience in this vivid dream world. she tugged at the legs assuming its him, the guy that pretended to be a detective. Shelby questioned why she was saving him when all he has done is stalk her and her mother. She continues to tug at his legs anyway hoping he will be explain what these illusion things are and who is behind it and why. Answers are the only thing she wants to hear right now. Straight up honest answers. As she pulls on his feet she notices the ceiling starts to crumble into sand. She ignores this until she looks down at the sand which somehow is slowly disappearing into the clean white floor. With one last tug she is finally able to pull him through but he is unconscious for two minutes. She watches over him as he begins to open his eyes.
"Hi I'm Aiden." He says so matter of factly as he gets up and brushes off excess sand onto the floor where it disappears like before. He holds a hand out to Shelby for her to to shake and continues, "Sorry I haven't introduced myself properly to you, I can explain almost everything to you, to be honest I thought you would be someone else, someone I can get answers from, but I gue-"

Shelby cuts him off and says "Who where you expecting me to be?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I am not actually sure who I was expecting. But I bet if you close your eyes and imagine yourself meeting the person with the answers we will get there... Seeing as we are in a dream after all. Just gotta find out who's." Aiden looker around the room as though the answer is would be hidden in the walls.

"Are you for real? I am controlling someone else's dream? But who's? And why's? And about the hospital... You said that was a dream too but I also fell asleep and had dreams like these in the pretend hospital thingy... Is this like the film inception... But in real life... My life? Or is it like the matrix... So I don't actually exist at all?"

"Well, you exist, I exist, the AI don't actually exist, we'll physically they do, but they are man made and aren't meant to exist in this era, they belong in the future."

"Why do you sometimes become like a... A... A hologram... Why can I sometimes put my hand through you and why do you switch between this body and the detective you pretended to be?"

"Again with the questions... Ok sometimes you can walk through me because all though I am a real human I am also from the future and my physical form wants to go back home... As for the switching... When I first shape shifted I sneezed at the time so my shape shifting has glitches." Aiden tried his best to not laugh at the situation before him as he began to think how funny his explanation is.

"Your lying, I can see that smirk on your face." She accused

"Do you have a better explanation?" He retorts as he raises his eyebrows.

Shelby doesn't respond and tries to climb out the the white cylinder room where Aiden left a hole when he was stuck. She stuck her head out only to to see another identical room except this time the walls were a pale blue. She continued to climb up into the room but the ceiling of the white room which is the floor of the blue room collapsed which resulted in Shelby being stuck with Aiden, but this time with higher walls.

Aiden tried to speak but his voice had gone. Shelby watched as he tried to get sound to come out of his mouth. She tried to tell him his voice is gone only to find hers is gone too. She picks up a piece of the collapsed ceiling and suddenly the blue paint on the top half of the newly extended room turns white like the bottom half and the piece of calling in her hands turns into the flans before her eyes. She quickly lets go of the item and watches as the rest if the shattered bits from the ceiling turn into a fire. Shelby panics as Aiden comes towards it and removes the fire in one blow. Shelby and Aiden notice a small note under the left over ashes and both pick it up together to see what it says.

The note reads:
Aiden stop. Your ruining the timeline. Your ruining the actual chain of events. If you continue you could erase your self from ever being born. As soon as you and Shelby escape this alternate reality you must go back home and leave everything behind. Including all the AI. Your AI as well as those other AI. Come home and we will figure everything together. Leave Shelby behind when you come home. Time travelling is bad for the universe and you know that.

Aiden read the note and ripped it into prices before allowing Shelby to read it. He created a new fire with his hands alone and burnt the note and then set out the fire again. Shelby could tell that Aiden has had lots if experience in this dream illusion thingy that they keep getting trapped in. She started to feel dizzy when she noticed Aiden had passed out and suddenly all Shelby saw was darkness surrounding her.


Sunday 7th November 4050


I am finally getting Shelby to reunite with her father, well Lori is, but I planted it in her head using radio waves from AI Lori. I may have upgraded my AI so they can mind control their human doppelgängers.

Anyway Ricky is the key to everything I need. Well not everything. But I need to Shelby to meet him in order for the timeline to run smoothly. Right now though I need to get them out of the alternate reality. I sent a message to Aiden but I am not sure whether he received or not. I can't know until they are out of the illusion. Once I get my memories of the illusion back I will be able to locate them and bring them home as well as shut off the illusion breaches to stop them from getting trapped there again.

My younger self is getting on my nerves though, I, he, Aiden exposed himself and he now looks like himself rather than the the 18 year old he went back as. He also gave away that he was detective Dwight. But that is my fault for interfering with my past. So really i'm annoyed at myself.

I also had AI Shelby cloned so now there are 5 of mine around town. This is all to mess with my younger selfs head as well as ensure that when Shelby invents time travel this time round she will reconsider her decisons about another invention and decides not to make it. I have to stop Shelby in order to save her so that younger me doesn't ruin anything in this timeline and I can live in peace knowing I fixed the universe and Shelby is safe.

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