Chapter six: opposites attract

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I opened my eyes and looked around the small room. I never liked big houses. Just something I do. The sun rays quietly tapped against my windows. It had just risen,. I don't have much to do until the meeting. I did my daily routine and headed for the door. I opened it and let the morning dew air fill my lungs. I looked down. A orange rose? What? I picked it up, it had a note. "Meet me at the pond near the glade, next to all your flowers at dawn. ~ Lava Mob" I shook my head. He does like me. That would have to be the only reason. People went to that pond all the time. They always came back as a couple. I read in books where the girl would be clueless about these kind of things. And she would be all shocked and everything. I'm too logical. Just flow with it. I walked to the pond, I don't really feel like teleporting at the moment. Just need to think and just walk for a bit. Relax. I haven't heard that word for awhile. I slowly walked to the pond. It was peaceful today. Not like yesterday but today was different. No clouds. Wind blew my blue hair softly causing it to sweep across my face. I retied my shashes and continued walking. I finally arrived at the pond, Preston was sitting down in the grass. I quickly made a flower with my special twist. I sat next to him handed him the flower.

"Hello." I said.

"How do you tell someone you love them?"

"You're asking the wrong person Preston."


"I'm just now experiencing love. I don't even know how to deal with it myself." I said as I looked into the glade.

"But you know all."

"Some things aren't to be known. Especially love." I said with a sighed. I laid back and put my hands lazily on my stomach.

"I don't know what to do Alpha."

"Tell her you love her. What could go wrong?"

"She could overreact and die. Or worse... she could say she doesn't love me back."

"Lava mob. Life is nothing but darkness. And sometimes you need to face your fears and step into the unknown. Sure life has it's ups and downs but what if you never stepped into the darkness? You wouldn't experience amazing things. Like trying new foods for insists, you don't know if you'll like it or not. Life is a game of chance." I said.

"How come you always know what to say."

"Seto and Notch lava mob." I said.

"My life is really messed up."

"Ha. Really? Compare your's to mine." I said. He thought a moment and laid down next to me.

"Never mind." He said. I laughed quietly and closed my eyes.

"Have you ever though about life, like if herobrine didn't turn." He said.

"Life would be different. But it wouldn't be how I would like it. Even though my emotions are pretty messed up I wouldn't be surrounded by the ones I love. I would have Seto, Sky, Ty, Mitch, Jade, Jerome, Jason, Husky, Notch, even you lava mob."

"You really would miss me?"

"Yeah. Even though we're opposites. But you know what they say, opposites attract."

"I wouldn't say we're all that different."


"Well, you're funny, and loud at times. You can be quiet but that's only when you don't know what to say or you don't want to say something at all. And sometimes you just think. Taking in what's around you." Lava mob said.

"And you call yourself dumb."

"I am."

"It's takes a lot to say what you just did."

"I can't read." He said with a sigh of defeat. I sat up and looked to him.

"I'll teach you."

"Really?!" He asked as he sat up with a giant grin spread across his face.

"Yeah. Shouldn't take forever right?" I asked. He shrugged. I laughed and kissed his cheek. He did that thing that Jade told me blushing? Right? Did I get that right Jade? (don't answer that -.-)

"Well, I have to go to that meeting." I said. He nodded as I teleported away.

Some deep shiz this chapter! Sorry I was listen to Coldplay and those types of songs and all this poetic shiz just flowed out. Anywho! Since I know everyone one loves contest I'm doing one! Plus I like my readers to be involved with the story! Okay! So just comment ,

Your name:


Physical features:


And maybe a love interest.... Or you could just be a close friend. Whatever floats your boat! Oh and don't be too OP this story is about Alpha after all! Dare! Go up to your mom or dad or sister or brother and say, "butter is my drug, oh how I love you butter. ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY BUTTER!" That's all for now folks! Slap dat vote button wid your controller! 15 votes for the next chapter/ winners! If none enters that is. I'm Alpha and your reading on the Adorkabl3 Channel!

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