Chapter Five: Herobrine.

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I threw two green flares at Dani and Skylar. It's surrounded them in a green bubble and them inside with shock written across their faces. I backed away from my masterpiece and sat next to Jade.

"It's is amazing!" She blurted out between laughs.

"I know! Seto would be so proud!" I said.

"I'm not." Seto said. I turned around to see Seto with his arms crossed.

"He. He. I'm in trouble aren't I?" I asked.

"Uh. I have to go feed my cat." Jade said as hopped up and sprinted out of the room. Preston walked in and looked at the girls. He immediately started laughing. He sprinted over to where Seto was giving me a "stare down". It's basically he glares at me for like ten minutes until I say I'm sorry and ground myself. Yeah.

"Amazing!" Preston said. He sat next to me and held up a fist. "BROFIST?" He asked.

I looked to him then to his fist. I slowly bumped it and turned to face Seto.

I sighed. "Sorry Seto I used magic improperly." I said then lit my hands once again and flicked a blue flame to the bubble. Popping it and sending the girls to the mats. I laughed a bit and turned around. Notch was standing beside Seto in the same position Seto was in. I waved and teleported away. I landed in the forest. Peaceful day.

The wolves barked. The gizmos mooed. The Jeffrey's oinked. The sheep baaad. It was Minecraftia at its finest. I walked a bit then sat down in the grass. I made a small flower appear and made it grow. Bigger and bigger until it wouldn't grow anymore. I laughed as I added my signature touch on it. A purple glow. I picked it and teleported to Seto's front door. I placed the glowing flower on the mat and walked away. I turned around and the world went black.

"Good to see you. Well I have seen you but you haven't seen me." A familiar voice said.

"Herobrine?" I asked.

"I guess I'm not dad or father anymore?"

"No! You left me to die! Thank Notch and Seto! They we're more of fathers than you'll ever be!" I shouted whilst setting the ropes around my ankles and wrist a flame. I stood up at looked to him.

"Y-You're stronger than m-me." He said with shock.

"I have the power to make you just a horrible memory. So why did you decide to knock out the most powerful Minecraftian?" I asked as I set black flames upon my fist. I swirled them into balls and glanced to my father. He stood for a moment out took out a diamond sword.

"Magic is mighty than the sword herobrine."

"Yes but your powers are limited."

"Only to love! I can do anything else I please to harm or create!" I retorted. Anger boiled inside of my. White flooded the room.

"But you can't deal with love. You can't tell Preston the truth. You're nothing but a brains and magic."

"Notch said with time I'll be able to!" I said more anger grew inside of me.

"But how much time do you have left?"

"I CAN'T DIE!" I shouted.

"But Preston can." Is all he said before vanished. Leaving behind the sword. I sighed and sat on the ground. I cried and sob. The first time I have ever cried. There's a first time for everything. But it seems that's its all happening at once.

"Alpha?" I heard Seto's voice. I shook my head and buried it my cloak.

"I know this is hard for you." He said as he sat down beside me.

"But you don't need to hide in abandon mineshaft."

"I'm not hiding here. Herobrine knocked me out and took me here. He told me the truth. I'm an emotionless freak." I said the sobbed more.

"You're crying Alpha. That's emotion. You hug me and sky all the time. That's emotion. You fight mobs amazingly when angered. You have emotions. Just not love yet."

"But I think I like Preston, but he said he loved another."

"Only time will tell."

"Why do people cry? This sucks."

"You feel better don't you?" He asked. I unburied my face from my cloak and looked to Seto. All of Team Crafted was sitting beside me. Even Notch. I nodded and stood up.

"Where are you going."

"We need a plan. So don't sit around feeling bad for Alpha."

"Bi-polar much?" Ty asked.

"Apparently you don't understand what I am going through."

"Not really." He answered.

"That feeling you have when you're around Jade. Love? Is that's what it's called? Yeah. That. I'm just now experiencing that. And as me being the emotionless cactus I am." I said.

"You starting to sound like Preston!" Adam chirped in. I huffed.

"We all meet at my house. Mid-day. I need a few things." I said. I teleported to my house and fell upon my bed. Sleep came fast.

Welp! You guys had some trouble reaching that goal! So that gives me time to get ahead of chapters! Woohoooooo! Dare for tomorrow.... Mmmmmmm. I got it! Stand in front of random people (or students) and say, "You shall not pass!" Okay! That's all for today folks! Slap dat vote button wid your controller! And keep dorkin' along guys! I'm Alpha! And you're watching the Adorkabl3 channel!

(That's a keeper!) BAI! :{3 <---- moustache!

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