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"Why Dan?" His mum asks. He sighed - is she really that dense?

"The bullying hasn't stopped. A new girl joined. It wasn't physical, but she was taunting me, calling a bitch and a f-f- another word for cigarette. She said how dare I do something, but I have no idea what she means." Dan explains.

"Dan, you can't just change schools in the middle of a school year. Just finish this year and then you can move, maybe. Just, don't do anything to provoke them."

Oh come on, with Phil, Dan's breathing provokes him.

"But mu-"

"No buts, Daniel. Just stick through it, it can't get worse. And, that Phil boy said he would stop, and wasn't he the main bully." Dan's mum says to Dan, "Now, go clean your room or something."

Dan goes upstairs, sad, angry and alone. Why can't his mother understand? He sits on his black and grey checked duvet on his bed, listening to fall out boy, wondering what he did to deserve this.

Bully // Phan auWhere stories live. Discover now