Deathly Hallows

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Maddie's POV:

I was walking down the street towards my home from grocery shopping with my head in another place. I had been thinking of Severus more and more lately, and I wondered if he was okay. I even was starting to worry about Lucius and Draco. I couldn't believe that we had about six weeks before school started back up again. It's been a long summer without Severus's letters....anyone's letters really. Even muggles know something isn't right. Day by day I knew Voldemort was getting stronger and gaining more allies. I was a few blocks from my flat, when I was attacked for behind. Someone grabbed me and dragged me into a darkened ally. I punched whoever grabbed me in the stomach, which made him coil back. When I broke from his grasp I saw a man wearing a black cloak and a mask. I pulled my wand out, ready to curse him when another one showed up. "I'll take care of her. Go on!" I heard a slightly familiar voice say. The other one hesitated, but disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. The second one that showed up walked towards me and rose his mask. "Severus! What the hell!?" I whisper yelled. "Sorry, Lucius isn't the best at planning rescues." He replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What do you mean?" I asked him curiously. "Death eaters are raiding the flat next to yours. If you go there you'll be walking into an ambush." He replied. "Christ." I said running a hand over my face. "Where am I suppose to go?" I asked curiously. "You can stay with me at Spinners End." He said as he grabbed my arm. He aperated us to his home in Spinners End; I realized I had never seen his home before. "Tell Lucius I'm sorry for punching him." I said once my stomach stopped flipping. "You punched him?" He asked with amusement in his eyes. "Yeah, in the stomach, actually." I replied with a smile. He had an amused smile on his face as he took off his mask completely. His cloak soon followed, and I realized he had lost a substantial about of weight. His black hair had gotten longer as well. I drank in his appearance and examined every detail. I've been away from him way too long. "Let me make us some tea." He said as he walked into the kitchen. "You should eat something. You need to keep your strength up, especially if your doing deeds for the Dark Lord." I said as I followed him into his small kitchen. His extensive amount of books didn't go unnoticed, but my biggest concern is him. "I haven't had time to think let alone sit and eat something." He replied as he put the kettle on. "Well, let me make you something while you sit and relax." I suggested. "You'd do that?" He asked with surprise in his eyes. "Of course." I replied giving him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, and held me for a long while. I haven't realized exactly how much I missed him until kissed my lips. They were soft and warm; I could have kissed him forever, but he went to the living room after we broke apart. I made due with what he had in his cupboards, which was bread and peanut butter. I made him a peanut butter sandwich and pours us our tea. When I walked back into the living room I found him sitting in his chair, fast asleep. I smiled at the sight and put his food up. When he woke up I'd make him some fresh tea. I didn't want to wake him up; I was sure this was the only sleep he had since we last saw each other. I drank my tea and took one of Severus's books off the shelf to read. "What time is it?" I heard a sleepy Severus say. It was adorable hearing him when he woke up. "It's three in the afternoon. Why?" I said as I put a book mark to save where I stopped. "I'm sorry. I didn't think I would fall asleep." He said with apology in his eyes. "It's okay Severus. You're tired; you need your rest. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. "I better get it." He said as he got up. "Lucius, come in." He said. "Um...sorry for punching you." I said awkwardly. "It's quite alright, I understand that my idea wasn't the smartest." Lucius said as he took a seat. "How are things back at Maddie's flat?" Severus asked as he walked into the kitchen. I'm sure he was going to make some more tea. "They left with Maddie's neighbors. I'm sure it'll be safe for her to go back to her home." Lucius replied. "Are you absolutely sure Lucius? She's valuable to winning the war. We can't have any idiots harming her." Severus said as he sat down in his previous seat. "I'm sure Severus." Lucius said with a sigh. We ended up talking about the Dark Lord's plans, etc. After we had an early dinner Lucius and Severus escorted me to my home, which I was grateful for. I knew things was only going to get worse from what we discussed at Spinners End. A lot of people would end up dying. I spent the rest of the night awake, wondering where Harry and his friends were. I knew they had to be looking for horcruxs, and that's the most dangerous thing they could be doing.

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