The Stone of Life and Power

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Maddie's POV:

"What happened to you?" Severus asked me curiously as we sat in his classroom. I had to stay in the hospital wing for about two days after I woke up; apparently I had been in a deep sleep or partial coma for a few feels before I came too. I was watching him brew some kind of potion for Dumbledore, but I didn't know what the name of it was. "I saw Quirrell talking to someone, but I couldn't see who he was talking to. From where I was he was completely alone, but there was another person talking." I said hoping he understood what I was saying. "That's odd. I've been having a strange feeling about that man lately. Especially since Harry's scar started hurting once he came." Severus replied. "His scar is hurting him?" I asked with curiosity in my voice. "Yeah, the very first night in the great hall." He said as he put an ingredient in his cauldron. "That's interesting." I said. 'What could Quirrell be up to?' I wondered, but deep down I knew it had to do with Voldemort in some way. We sat in silence and waited for dinner time. Classes were hectic, but that's probably due to the Quidditch match between coming up in a few weeks. The ones playing have been practicing like crazy. I was surprised when Mcgonagall informed me that Harry had become the Seeker for the Gryffindor team; He's the youngest seeker in a century. "Are you okay?" Severus asked, taking me out of my thoughts. "What? Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking." I replied with a slight laugh. "About?" He asked. "Just all the stuff that has happened since I was taken out." I said. "Well, would you like to go to dinner?" He asked as he cleaned up his stuff. "Sure." I replied. Once he was finished cleaning up his station, bottling the potion, and washing his hands we made are way to the great hall. "Cheer up Maddie, it's Halloween. I remember how excited you use to get over Halloween, what happened?" Severus said as he stopped me. "I just have a lot on my mind, and we both have more responsibility now. I still love Halloween, don't get me wrong Severus; I just...haven't really been feeling right." I said. I've been having bad dreams that have been keeping me awake ever since the night I woke up. I haven't been sleeping well, and with the over all stress has been wearing me down. "I'll talk Dumbledore into giving you some time off." He said sweetly as he gave me one of his great hugs. He made sure nobody was looking of course, he has a reputation tp keep up in front of his students. "Thanks, but what about you?" I said kindly as he pulled away from me. "I'm fine Maddie, I promise. I've been under way much stress over the years I was me." He said the last two words softly with a gentle expression on his face. "You know I trust you Severus." I said with a smile. "Come on, let's go or we'll be late." He said as he and I continued walking. When we made it to the great hall I saw the usual decorations for Halloween. Jack o lanterns were floating above the tables and there were cauldron filled with lollipops and other candy on the tables. I smiled as the student's bright and glowing faces; something I find very sweet. I was glad they were all happy here, because I knew I was when I wasn't getting picked on. I pushed the memories of my past to the back of my mind as I took my seat next to Severus. I smiled and he gave a slight smirk; he knew the Halloween spirit had entered me. We began eating and I realized that professor Quirrell hadn't came to dinner. I glanced towards Severus and he gave a look as if he knew what I was thinking. We didn't say anything out loud, but we both knew something bad was going to come out of this. After a while we heard someone yelling along with footfall. I knew someone was running towards the great hall. "Troll! Troll! Troll in the dungeons! ......I thought you might like to know." Quirrell said before he fainted. Suddenly the entire hall erupted in chaos, which doesn't help in a moment like this. "Silence!" Dumbledore yelled to make everyone stop what they were doing. "Students will go to their rooms and the other professors will come with me to the dungeons." Dumbledore said. "Keep an eye on Harry and his friends." Severus whispered in my ear before he disappeared through a side door. I slipped out of Dumbledore's sight and made sure Harry and Ron didn't see me following them. "Hermione, she doesn't know." I over heard Harry say to Ron. They cut off from the rest of their house members and ventured toward the girl's bathroom. I kept my distance from them, but saw the troll head into the girl's bathroom just like they did. When they went into the bathroom they started battling the troll head on. I was just about to jump in and help when Ron knocked the troll out. After it hit the ground I waited a little while briefed entering the room. "What do we have here?" I asked just as Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Severus walked into the room. After Hermione gave us an explanation, which I didn't believe, we all went headed back to are rooms. "Maddie, can you help me with this?" Severus asked me curiously as we went to his classroom. "What did you do?" I asked in a shocked tone. "Quirrell is evil; he tried to get the stone Nicolas Flamel made." He said as he sat on his desk. "Do you think he's working for the Dark Lord?" I asked as I disinfected the wound on Severus's leg. "He might be." He said hissing as the liquid hit his wound. "We have to keep a better eye on Quirrell now. It's much more dangerous than I thought." Severus spoke again after I wrapped a bandage around his leg. "Yes, we do. How did you get hurt by the way?" I said as I stood up. "That unfathomable three headed dog of Hagrid's." He sneered. "Hay, don't be so mean. At least the dog is doing it's job; protecting what lies beneath." I said. "True." He said. "Well, goodnight Severus. I'll see you in the morning." I said as I walked towards the door. "Goodnt." He said sweetly. I looked back at him one last time before I headed into the hall. I hoped tonight wasn't going to be a nightmare filled night, but I knew it was going to be just that. (Listen to Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold when you read the next part).

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