Chapter 4

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Channel's POV

( AN: Picture above is Sophia. )

The next day, after the party. I decided to stay inside and watch Sophia.

Sophia is 4 years old if I haven't told you that yet. Let's just wish she doesn't give me a hard time today.

Sophia then came running down the stairs.

"Sophia, don't run. You'll fall again. Then your gonna get hurt."

"My mommy said dat I could do whateber I want."

"I'm sure she didn't mean to run down the stairs." I told her.

"And I'm sure she didn't mean for you to this mean, sassy, and aggressive. But that's non of my business." Sophia said smarty then walked off.

See what I mean with the sass. And she's only 4. Unfortunately.

"You were raised by a woof." I said quietly as she walked off.

After that, I wanted to get my chores done before Katie comes over.

~ 1 and a half hour later.

"Heyy girls. Was up." Katie said as she walked through the door.

"Great just great. I'm going up to my room now." Sophia said.

"Go you rat." Kate said.

"Katie ??!" I said surprisingly.

"She had it coming anyways. Do you ever take notice in how she treats us ?" Katherine asked.

"I am going to tell my mommy about dis. And then she will deal with it. Because I'm done." Sophia yelled at the top of the steps.

I giggled. I mean come on she's so short with a teenage attitude.

"Just GO Sophia." Katherine yelled.

"Hey, Katherine just leave her be. I mean come on your arguing with a 4 year old. When we have so many other things to do." I said.

Katie sighs then "Someone has to yell at her. God she is so spoiled."

I look up from the bottom of the stairs to the top. And Sophia was already gone.

"So anyways, last night after me and Kalin left the party we went to his apartment and-" I soon cut her off.

"Please don't tell me you did it."

"No. You didn't let me finish." Katie said. Then I was relieved. "We just chilled, you know got to know each other more." She finished.

I then told her about how I found Nathan then went upstairs and what happen with those guys. Oh and that Myles guy.

"I'm sorry about those guys. Some boys can just be idiots."

"Tell me about it." I said then sighed.

"Butttt, what about that guy Myles ?" Kate asked.

"Well he had brown hair, the most gorgeous eyes ever, and well he said 'da** she's hot' to me."

"Myles Parrish ?" Katherine asked.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me his last name." I said. "I don't even think he knows my name."

"The way you described him sounds somewhat like how Kalin did."

"And Nathan said that Kalin and this 'buddy of his' are going to be at our school. Maybe that was Myles."

"Well we'll have to find out more about that later, but right now my mom needs me to go back home to do chores." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm so glad I just finished minds."

"Well then. Bye babe I'll text ya later." Kate said as she walked our of the house.

Well Sophia has been quiet for awhile I better go check on her.

"Sophia ?" I yelled.

"Sophia right now is not the time to play games."

"Sophia ?" I yelled as I went back to check in her room.

"SOPHIA?" My voice echoed throughout the house.

I ran in my room and checked the bathroom, closet, and under the bed. She still wasn't there.

"Sophia, come on. If you get out of this hiding place I'll buy you whatever you want."

I knew that would work, and if it didn't then she really wasn't in the house anymore.

"Great what am I going to do know ?" I asked myself.

I then grabbed my shoes to go outside and find Sophia. In all hopes that she won't tell her mom about this.

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