Lolly [r]

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Justin’s POV:

I hear the door close.

I: “Is she gone?”

Kenny: “She is!”

I have to smile and slowly sit up in my bed.

I: “Did it work?”

Kenny: “Totally!”

I: “Awesome!”

I so am the man. The plan didn’t fail. I could kiss her. I know it’s not the kiss I expected or imagined but at least I kissed her. I need her and thanks to Kenny I could seize my chance.

I: “This was a great idea, K. Thanks, man.”

Kenny: “Know, right?”

I: “Do you … do ya think she liked it? I mean she …. She was angry but is there a chance that she’s now thinking about it?”

Kenny: “Ahaha. You’re still young, bud. She blushed a lot and I haven’t seen her that happy since you’ve kissed her on stage.”

I: “Really?”

I frown. This would be too magicial, wouldn’t it? I really hope there’s a chance she really liked it. She seemed so upset.

Kenny: “C’mon. Don’t worry. She was there for you and helped you. She doesn’t want you in trouble or danger. She’s sweet.”

I: “I wouldn’t have mind it if she … ya know …”

Kenny: “Ahaha. Oh, J. …”

I: “What?”

Kenny looks at me seriously. I know what he wants to say and I am really grateful he doesn’t spit it out. I have to grin. Maybe Kenny’s right. I am really still young. But so what? This is me.

Kenny: “You really like her, huh?”

I have to nod. Probably I look very depressed right now. Everything’s so complicated.

Kenny: “Oh man. Wake up! She loves you!”

Surprised I look up into his face. Does he really mean it?

I: “I don’t …”

Kenny: “Don’t say that!”

A bit shocked I study his face. He never talked to me like that. Does this have to do with his, well, accident? He might have changed.

Kenny: “Justin. You should tell her!”

I: “Noo! She … she would laugh at me or … “

Kenny: “You told me to talk to her at the party, right?”

I: “Yeah? And?”

Kenny: “I am sorry but she thinks you hate her and you want to have her as friend and nothing more!”

I: “What? How it comes?”

Kenny: “Uhm, I don’t know really. You have told her something that hurt her at the same day as you kissed her. Well that’s what she said. She was suddenly another person.”

I: “Hmm. I don’t rem…OMG!”

Kenny: “What, Justin?”

I: “Uhm, the day she asked me how much she liked me or something that way. And I just said I really like her as friend.”

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