T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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"Winter break is coming in 2 weeks, and remember, finals end next week!"

I swear I was gonna go fucking crazy with finals.

We all groan as we hear the vice-president of students talk and the teacher smacks a ruler on the desk and we all stay quiet.

"Everyone be quiet!"


"That is all for today students! Have a good day!"

"So anyways, as I was saying...we are starting our finals tomorrow. So we are going to go over everything we learned the past semester and everything we don't get to review is for homework tonight"

I begin to draw on my notebook and my teacher calls out my name.

"Miss. LaMont, is there something else more important than what we are learning"

I look up and I quickly cover up my paper. I shake my head and he gives me a look before continuing on with the lesson.


"Dude, I'm gonna fail this test!" Isabel's face is sweaty and pale and she's panicing like crazy.

"But I told you not to change your classes because every class is different" I roll my eyes and she sits next to me and we take out our stuff.

"Malia, don't be a smart ass right now" I laugh and I take out a small paper from my pocket and hand it to her.

"Here, it has all the answers, but don't get caught because you get caught with everything" she shoves me lightly and the teacher comes in with a few other students that aren't in our class.

"Since the other english teacher is absent today, we're going to have a few students from her class join us" the students come in and I see Ethan, Grayson, Aaron and Jack. I already had Cameron in this class.

Ethan looks at me and he has a cheeky smile on his face as he looks at me.

You motherfucker.

I swear we were going to get caught if he keeps looking at me. I look at Isabel and luckily she's looking down at the paper I gave her full of answers, so she isn't looking at him.

"There's a few seats in the back and a few in a middle. Take a seat so I can pass out the tests"

Grayson smiles at me before walking towards the seat in the back and Ethan follows, but he purposely drops his phone and he kneels down, while placing his large hand on my thigh.

"Sorry about that" he winks before squeezing my thigh lightly and I quickly hide my face as Aaron, Cameron and Jack look at both Ethan and I.

"We will now begin the test"

20 minutes later...

I turn to look at Isabel who kept trying to hide the small paper whenever the teacher would pass by us.

I continue with my test when I see the little paper fall out of her hand and in front of the teachers feet.


"What is this?" He picks up the piece of paper and she quickly tries to snatch the paper out of the teachers hand, but the teacher backs up and he continues reading it.

"You are done with the test, and I will call you're parents to let them know"

I keep writing my test and I look down trying to avoid the situation, but the teacher snatches away my paper.

•Daddy Issues• Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now