First Date

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She almost didn't go to Hogsmeade. Almost. Lily convinced her though.

"He's one of the hottest guys in our year! You can't just cancel!" She exclaimed.

"Lily I'm not in the mood," Artemis mumbled, wrapping the covers around me tighter.

"Come on A! You need a distraction and this is the perfect one."

"Lilyyy!" She moaned. Lily smirked and tugged the covers off of her.

"Get up! I'm doing your hair," Lily laughed and walked away.


"I'm not wearing that Lil," Artemis said and laid down on her bed.

"You're messing up your hair!"

Lily was trying to pick an outfit for her to wear to Hogsmeade. Things were not working out very well.

"Come on Lily, just let me pick something," she whined.

"Ugh, fine." Lily muttered. Artemis stood and looked through her clothes. She stopped and pulled out a pair of black leggings, then again to pull out a tanktop and a cream sweater.

"Okay I guess that's pretty cute," Lily admitted while Artemis grinned proudly. "But put on a scarf."

"Alright! And I'm wearing these shoes," she said and pointed at her grey boots.

"As long as you look cute! Just wait until he sees you!" Lily exclaimed excitedly.


"A! He's outside the painting!" Lily whispered to Artemis as she finished tying her shoes.

"Coming," she responded and walked down. When she entered the common room, she was, quite unfortunately, greeted with the face of Sirius Black.

"Miss Terrance! Lovely to see you on this snowy day," he grinned at her, while she rolled her eyes.

"Not in the mood Black," Artemis said.

"Come on! Let's go to Hogsmeade and grab a butterbeer. I can tell you secrets about Remus," he smirked.

"No Black, I'm busy," she told him. Artemis tried to move past but he blocked her path.

"Reading in the library all day doesn't count, Miss Terrance," he raised an eyebrow.

"I do have a life outside of tutoring you! Now move!" She tried again to walk forward but he stepped in front of her, again.

"With Evans and Remus? Not much of a life in my opinion," he rolled his eyes.

"Sirius Black get out of my way! And for your information, I am trying to get outside to meet my date to Hogsmeade because I do in fact have a social life! Move!" Artemis yelled in annoyance.

"Who's your date?" Sirius' face was suddenly, no pun intended, serious.

"Danny McCallister," she said, and tried again to push past him.

"I wouldn't trust him, he's a jerk who doesn't care about other peoples feelings," he warned her.

"Yeah, you're one to talk. You have a different girl hanging off your arm every week, each more, pardon my language, slutty than the last," Artemis retorted.

"Whatever," Sirius mumbled and moved out of her way.

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the portrait hole, coming face to face with Danny.

"Hi," she smiled shyly.

"Hey. You look, beautiful," he smiled and she blushed.

"You're not so bad yourself," she responded. "What's the plan?"

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