Question 14

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Ember: ANOTHER QUESTION!!! I LIKE THIS ONE! I like to toy with this kind of idea in my head from time to time. What IF this did happen?

Airethena: Well do not keep us waiting, Ember. What is it? What if what would happen?

Ember: Okay so HaloWingsEAH wants to know, “If the world was about to end because Loki and Merrith had taken it over, and all of the team were locked in a room, what would you all do for the last five minutes?”

Unity: *opens mouth to say something*

Ember: Oh and you’re not allowed to kill yourself…

Unity: *grumbles* Fine… *thinks*

Matt: *looks at Airy then back at Ember* Well, do I really?

Ember: *frowns* so just a make out session with Airy…?

Matt: well… yeah… *blushes but grins* What can I say?

Airy: *small smile* You are too kind Matthew…

Ember: ENOUGH!! *turns to Elizabeth* And you?

Elizabeth: Well, I would probably call my family and closest friends and tell them goodbye.

Ember: *nods* same here. Good idea

Shadow: *pipes up* Well, I think I would probably… hmmm… okay that’s a difficult question… *thinks hard* Possibly try to come up with a last minute way to save the world…

Ember: Of course. And Unity?

Unity: Well you took my only option away! *thinks some more*

Shadow: She’d probably whine to the walls until they fell down. She could do that…


Shadow: Technically the question was for the whole team. So yeah, they asked me.

Unity: *growls* shut up.

Shadow: *leans back in chair and smirks* Nahhh I’m good.

Unity: *glares* *to Ember but doesn’t look away from Shadow* I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I would try to keep myself from killing everyone.

Shadow: Oh, and you’re the one always blaming me and screaming at me to not kill my teammates.

Unity: Wanna go Sparkles?

Shadow: *raises eyebrow* Whatever you want Starshine! *growls*

Ember: GIRLS! KNOCK IT OFF! Take it outside if you wanna fight… gahlee…

O.O Hope you enjoyed! MOAR QUESTIONS PLEASE!


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