Chapter Seven

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It happened in the night.

Luke and I had just finished an intense bout of sex. I was still breathing heavily, eyes closed, reliving the recent events. I could still feel his mouth over mine, the way his tail wrapped around me, how perfectly he fit inside me...

My sweet boyfriend had fallen asleep, spooning me from behind. Sleep had just begun to overtake me as well when I was suddenly woken sharply by a loud cry.

I whirled around immediately to find Luke writhing under the sheets, clawing at his own body. Bursts of Fear shot out of him, causing me to scream too. Terror filled me momentarily before I came to my senses and seized his arms, trying to stop him from hurting himself.

"Luke!" I yelled. "Yo, what's wrong?"

He gradually stopped, tears coating his cheeks. I straddled him, checking for any injuries on his body. Thankfully, we were both still naked, so I didn't have to search under his clothes, but I found no wounds.

"What happened?" I demanded.

He pushed me off of him gently, and I quickly moved to give him space. "I'm okay," he wheezed. "Aw, shit... no, really, Jess, I'm fine..."

I grunted in frustration. He wasn't injured, but then what had caused his pain? Tremors still ran through my body from the aftershock of the power he had released. I knew others in the palace would have felt the Fear aura.

"What happened?" I echoed meekly.

Luke sat up, drawing me to his arms and holding me tightly. His face was buried in my hair when he answered: "Angels, my love. They've descended from Heaven."

That had been about seven hours ago. Since then, Luke had quickly risen his other Specialists, discovering that only Jane had felt the angels' arrival.

This prompted the official notice that was quickly spread throughout the Fear Ring: any demons who had felt the Holy Descent, as Deimos had named it wryly, were to come to the palace immediately to be interviewed.

It was a completely insane task, so much so that it raised concerns from me. Luke was acting kind of... off. He spoke snappishly and impatiently. Obviously the Holy Descent had shaken him, but his insisting that so many demons be rounded up was kind of crazy. He was starting to remind me of a mad king you would read about in a fiction book.

Out of the millions of Fear demons, those who showed up were a huge number. Yet Luke insisted on interrogating them all, desperate to find the quality they all had in common. Deimos and I helped take notes, writing down distinctias, ages, gender, etc, each of us taking a seat on either side of Luke.

But from what we could tell, it was completely random.

We were on Demon 83 when I noticed Luke visibly slump in his seat, getting more and more irritated. This one was male, about 200 years old, with fish gills on his neck as his distinctia. I noted that for a demon of Fear, he was plenty fearful himself.

"Describe what you felt," Deimos ordered, not unkindly.

The demon was shaking visibly, cowering away from Luke, who was glaring at the poor thing like it was all his fault the angels had finally touched down.

"It felt... like a strong burn?" the demon seemed to be asking. "I don't know, but it was the worst feeling I've ever had in my entire life."

"Irrelevant!" Luke declared. He turned to me. "It's the same bullshit, Jess," he whined. "There's no pattern, nothing we all have in common at all."

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