Chapter Five

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I regretted the fight as soon as it was over.

Jesse had stormed off furiously after I had called him a bitch, and the moment the door closed behind him, the guilt started settling in. But it was too late to take back insults now. I had a meeting to go to.

Hamilton of Pride was my oldest brother, and once upon a time, we had been very close. He had been alive for a few hundred years when I came around, and he raised me from infancy. Of course now, he hated me. After we had become responsible for killing each other's lovers in the Trojan War, we had engaged a thousands of years long bloody feud. Now, we pretended all was forgiven.

He still had my crown, a small silver diadem. And now, I wanted it back.

His demons were waiting for me. Yvonne, his daughter was among them, smiling slightly. "Greetings, King Phobos." She spoke formally, but not without warmth "King Hamilton is currently dining. Perhaps you would like to wait for him in the pavilion?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you. I'll just go see him now."

Yvonne hesitated. "All right," she relented. "But you do not know the way..."

I tried not to scoff. The demoness was young, only a hundred years or so. She would not know that I knew this palace better than she did. She didn't know I had grown up here. "I'll manage," I assured her.

The palace of Pride had highly decorated halls. On every wall there was some form of memorabilia that was meant to represent moments of human Pride. There was a framed map of the Soviet Union, a battle-worn British flag, and for some reason, a signed poster of Tupac was hung next to an old photograph of Manhattan... all in one hall. As I neared the huge dining room, I started seeing the Greek art. There were paintings and busts, including - much to my surprise - a painting of the Greek gods Phobos and Deimos.

I still remembered running around these halls as a young child. Most of the walls had been bare; after all, I hadn't been a child for thousands and thousands of years. I remembered Hamilton carrying me when I tripped and skinned my knees. 

Taking a deep breath, I entered the giant dining room. The doors were a dark brown wood, decorated in gold; very heavy. Hamilton was seated at the head of the table on a throne of gold, and to either side of him were his Specialists: Mortimer, Bea, and Hayley. His son, Shayne was also there, as was one of Ham's older children, Kane. Everyone froze when they saw me, mostly in shock.

Hamilton scowled. "What do you want, boy?"

Great, already off to a good start. "I came for dinner," I said cheerfully. "You are going to feed a guest, right?"

"I might feed on the guest," Hamilton muttered. He eyed me carefully. "Sit, you stupid child."

Mortimer sputtered. "My King, you are inviting the little wretch to your home?"

"Hey!" I growled. I could tolerate my brother's insults, but not those of a demon well beneath me.

"It seems he has already invited himself," Hamilton pointed out. "Besides, he's not really here for dinner. He's here because there is something he wants to discuss with me in private, but he knows it would be rude to interrupt my meal."

"You know me well," I smirked. "No matter. What's for dinner?" I took a seat next to Shayne, who seemed to shrink in my presence. Most Specialists could withstand my intense Fear aura, but just being physically near me could be intimidating for demons like Shayne.

Even Hamilton seemed uncomfortable. "Steak," he said stiffly. A servant came up from behind me and dropped a platter of food in front of my face. The demon quickly scampered away.

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